Saturday, 31 August 2013

An Empathic Civilization

Please read complete article it is worth the read. After you are done ask yourself, if you are an empath and you can feel the life energy of all living things round you how could you hurt any living thing? if you feel the same pain of another as it were your own, how could you hurt another, let alone declare a war on others? It is impossible for me to hurt or get angry at anyone, least ways I cannot hurt another deliberately, but I can be disillusioned and hurt over what they are feeling

Rethinking Human Nature in the Biosphere Era

By Jeremy Rifkin
In James Cameron's beautiful new film Avatar, the planet Pandora and its empathic wisdom culture are exemplified by the teachings of Neytiri, above - Editor.

Two spectacular failures, separated by only 18 months, marked the end of the modern era. In July 2008, the price of oil on world markets peaked at $147/ barrel, inflation soared, the price of everything from food to gasoline skyrocketed, and the global economic engine shut off. Growing demand in the developed nations, as well as in China, India, and other emerging economies, for diminishing fossil fuels precipitated the crisis. Purchasing power plummeted and the global economy collapsed. That was the earthquake that tore asunder the industrial age built on and propelled by fossil fuels. The failure of the financial markets two months later was merely the aftershock. The fossil fuel energies that make up the industrial way of life are sunsetting and the industrial infrastructure is now on life support.
In December 2009, world leaders from 192 countries assembled in Copenhagen to address the question of how to handle the accumulated entropy bill of the fossil fuel based industrial revolution-the spent C02 that is heating up the planet and careening the earth into a catastrophic shift in climate.After years of preparation, the negotiations broke down and world leaders were unable to reach a formal accord.

Neither had the world's political or business leaders anticipated the economic debacle of July 2008, nor were they able to cobble together a sufficient plan for economic recovery in the months since. They were equally inept at addressing the issue of climate change, despite the fact that the scientific community warns that is poses the greatest threat to our species in its history, that we are running out of time, and that we may even be facing the prospect of our own extinction.

The problem runs deeper than the issue of finding new ways to regulate the market or imposing legally binding global green house gas emission reduction targets. The real crisis lies in the set of assumptions about human nature that governs the behavior of world leaders--assumptions that were spawned during the Enlightenment more than 200 years ago at the dawn of the modern market economy and the emergence of the nation state era.

The Enlightenment thinkers--John Locke, Adam Smith, Marquis de Condorcet et. al.--took umbrage with the Medieval Christian world view that saw human nature as fallen and depraved and that looked to salvation in the next world through God's grace. They preferred to cast their lot with the idea that human beings' essential nature is rational, detached, autonomous, acquisitive and utilitarian and argued that individual salvation lies in unlimited material progress here on Earth.
The Enlightenment notions about human nature were reflected in the newly minted nation-state whose raison d'ĂȘtre was to protect private property relations and stimulate market forces as well as act as a surrogate of the collective self-interest of the citizenry in the international arena. Like individuals, nation-states were considered to be autonomous agents embroiled in a relentless battle with other sovereign nations in the pursuit of material gains.
It was these very assumptions that provided the philosophical underpinnings for a geopolitical frame
of reference that accompanied the first and second industrial revolutions in the 19th and 20th centuries. These beliefs about human nature came to the fore in the aftermath of the global economic meltdown and in the boisterous and acrimonious confrontations in the meeting rooms in Copenhagen, with potentially disastrous consequences for the future of humanity and the planet.

If human nature is as the Enlightenment philosophers claimed, then we are likely doomed. It is
impossible to imagine how we might create a sustainable global economy and restore the biosphere to health if each and every one of us is, at the core of our biology, an autonomous agent and a self-centered and materialistic being. 
Recent discoveries in brain science and child development, however, are forcing us to rethink these long-held shibboleths about human nature. Biologists and cognitive neuroscientists are discovering mirror-neurons--the so-called empathy neurons--that allow human beings and other species to feel and experience another's situation as if it were one's own. We are, it appears, the most social of animals and seek intimate participation and companionship with our fellows.

Social scientists, in turn, are beginning to reexamine human history from an empathic lens and, in the process, discovering previously hidden strands of the human narrative which suggests that
human evolution is measured not only by the expansion of power over nature, but also by the intensification and extension of empathy to more diverse others across broader temporal and spatial domains. The growing scientific evidence that we are a fundamentally empathic species has profound and far-reaching consequences for society, and may well determine our fate as a species.
What is required now is nothing less than a leap to global empathic consciousness and in less than a generation if we are to resurrect the global economy and revitalize the biosphere. The question becomes this: what is the mechanism that allows empathic sensitivity to mature and consciousness to expand through history?
Avatar is a powerful metaphor for the human collective unconscious at this time of
planetary emergency - a point overlooked by many 'intellectual' critics - Editor

The pivotal turning points in human consciousness occur when new energy regimes converge with new communications revolutions, creating new economic eras. The new communications revolutions become the command and control mechanisms for structuring, organizing and managing more
complex civilizations that the new energy regimes make possible. For example, in the early modern age, print communication became the means to organize and manage the technologies, organizations, and
infrastructure of the coal, steam, and rail revolution. It would have been impossible to administer the first industrial revolution using script and codex.

Communication revolutions not only manage new, more complex energy regimes, but also change human consciousness in the process. Forager/hunter societies relied on oral communications and
their consciousness was mythologically constructed. The great hydraulic agricultural civilizations were, for the most part, organized around script communication and steeped in theological consciousness. The first industrial revolution of the 19th century was managed by print communication and ushered in ideological consciousness. Electronic communication became the command and control mechanism for arranging the second industrial revolution in the 20th century and spawned psychological consciousness.

Each more sophisticated communication revolution brings together more diverse people in increasingly more expansive and varied social networks. Oral communication has only limited temporal and spatial reach while script, print and electronic communications each extend the range and depth of
human social interaction.

By extending the central nervous system of each individual and the society as a whole, communication
revolutions provide an evermore inclusive playing field for empathy to mature and consciousness to expand. For example, during the period of the great hydraulic agricultural civilizations characterized by script and theological consciousness, empathic sensitivity broadened from tribal blood ties to associational ties based on common religious affiliation. Jews came to empathize with Jews, Christians with Christians, Muslims with Muslims, etc. In the first industrial revolution characterized by print and ideological consciousness, empathic sensibility extended to national borders, with Americans
empathizing with Americans, Germans with Germans, Japanese with Japanese and so on. In the second industrial revolution, characterized by electronic communication and psychological consciousness, individuals began to identify with like-minded others.

Today, we are on the cusp of another historic convergence of energy and communication--a
third industrial revolution--that could extend empathic sensibility to the biosphere itself and all of life on Earth. The distributed Internet revolution is coming together with distributed renewable energies,
making possible a sustainable, post-carbon economy that is both globally connected and locally managed.

In the 21st century, hundreds of millions--and eventually billions--of human beings will transform their buildings into power plants to harvest renewable energies on site, store those energies in the form of hydrogen and share electricity, peer-to-peer, across local, regional, national and continental
inter-grids that act much like the Internet. The open source sharing of energy, like open source sharing of information, will give rise to collaborative energy spaces--not unlike the collaborative social spaces that currently exist on the Internet.

When every family and business comes to take responsibility for its own small swath of the biosphere by harnessing renewable energy and sharing it with millions of others on smart power grids that stretch across continents, we become intimately interconnected at the most basic level of earthly existence by jointly stewarding the energy that bathes the planet and sustains all of life.

The new distributed communication revolution not only organizes distributed renewable energies, but also changes human consciousness. The information communication technologies (ICT)
revolution is quickly extending the central nervous system of billions of human beings and connecting the human race across time and space, allowing empathy to flourish on a global scale, for the first time in history.

Whether in fact we will begin to empathize as a species will depend on how we use the new distributed communication medium.While distributed communications technologies-and, soon, distributed renewable energies - are connecting the human race, what is so shocking is that no one has offered much of a reason as to why we ought to be connected. We talk breathlessly about access and inclusion in a global communications network but speak little of exactly why we want to communicate with one another on such a planetary scale. What's sorely missing is an overarching reason that billions of human beings should be increasingly connected. Toward what end?

The only feeble explanations thus far offered are to share information, be entertained, advance commercial exchange and speed the globalization of the economy. All the above, while relevant, nonetheless seem insufficient to justify why nearly seven billion human beings should be connected and mutually embedded in a globalized society. The idea of even a billion individual connections, absent any overall unifying purpose, seems a colossal waste of human energy. More important, making global connections without any real transcendent purpose risks a narrowing rather than an expanding of human consciousness. But what if our distributed global communication networks were put to the task of helping us re-participate in deep communion with the common biosphere that sustains all of our lives?
In Avatar, the Pandoran Na'avi are all left-handed, as would be expected for a right (brain)
hemisphere-dominant culture. This reflects to the neurological crossover
whereby the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and
vice-versa. Left-hemisphere dominance is characteristic of our
current self-destructive human culture: the subconscious mind
has been forced into a defensive position, and crucial human survival
instincts have been relegated into it. - Editor

The biosphere is the narrow band that extends some forty miles from the ocean floor to outer space where living creatures and the Earth's geochemical processes interact to sustain each other. We are learning that the biosphere functions like an indivisible organism. It is the continuous symbiotic relationships between every living creature and between living creatures and the geochemical processes that ensure the survival of the planetary organism and the individual species that live within its biospheric envelope. If every human life, the species as a whole, and all other life-forms are entwined with one another and with the geochemistry of the planet in a rich and complex choreography that sustains life itself, then we are all dependent on and responsible for the health of the whole organism. Carrying out that responsibility means living out our individual lives in our neighborhoods and communities in ways that promote the general well-being of the larger biosphere within which we dwell. The Third Industrial Revolution offers just such an opportunity.

If we can harness our empathic sensibility to establish a new global ethic that recognizes and acts to harmonize the many relationships that make up the life-sustaining forces of the planet, we will have moved beyond the detached, self-interested and utilitarian philosophical assumptions that accompanied national markets and nation state governance and into a new era of biosphere consciousness. We leave the old world of geopolitics behind and enter into a new world of biosphere politics, with new forms of governance emerging to accompany our new biosphere awareness. The Third Industrial Revolution and the new era of distributed capitalism allow us to sculpt a new approach to globalization, this time emphasizing continentalization from the bottom up. Because renewable energies are more or less equally distributed around the world, every region is potentially amply endowed with the power it needs to be relatively self-sufficient and sustainable in its lifestyle, while at the same time interconnected via smart grids to other regions across countries and continents.

When every community is locally empowered, both figuratively and literally, it can engage directly in
regional, transnational, continental, and limited global trade without the severe restrictions that are imposed by the geopolitics that oversee elite fossil fuels and uranium energy distribution.
Continentalization is already bringing with it a new form of governance. The nation-state, which grew up alongside the First and Second Industrial Revolutions, and provided the regulatory mechanism for managing an energy regime whose reach was the geosphere, is ill suited for a Third Industrial
Revolution whose domain is the biosphere. Distributed renewable energies generated locally and regionally and shared openly--peer to peer--across vast contiguous land masses connected by intelligent utility networks and smart logistics and supply chains favor a seamless network of governing institutions that span entire continents.

The European Union is the first continental governing institution of the Third Industrial Revolution era. The EU is already beginning to put in place the infrastructure for a European-wide energy regime, along with the codes, regulations, and standards to effectively operate a seamless transport, communications, and energy grid that will stretch from the Irish Sea to the doorsteps of Russia by midcentury. Asian, African, and Latin American continental political unions are also in the making and will likely be the premier governing institutions on their respective continents by 2050.

In this new era of distributed energy, governing institutions will more resemble the workings of the ecosystems they manage. Just as habitats function within ecosystems, and ecosystems within the biosphere in a web of interrelationships, governing institutions will similarly function in a collaborative network of relationships with localities, regions, and nations all embedded within the continent as a whole. This new complex political organism operates like the biosphere it attends, synergistically and reciprocally. This is biosphere politics.

The new biosphere politics transcends traditional right/left distinctions so characteristic of the geopolitics of the modern market economy and nation-state era. The new divide is generational and contrasts the traditional top-down model of structuring family life, education, commerce, and governance with a younger generation whose thinking is more relational and distributed, whose nature is more collaborative and cosmopolitan, and whose work and social spaces favor open-source commons. For the Internet generation, "quality of life" becomes as important as individual opportunity in fashioning a new dream for the 21st century.

The transition to biosphere consciousness has already begun. All over the world, a younger generation is beginning to realize that one's daily consumption of energy and other resources ultimately affects the lives of every other human being and every other creature that inhabits the Earth.

The Empathic Civilization is emerging. A younger generation is fast extending its empathic embrace beyond religious affiliations and national identification to include the whole of humanity and the vast project of life that envelops the Earth. But our rush to universal empathic connectivity is running up against a rapidly accelerating entropic juggernaut in the form of climate change. Can we reach biosphere consciousness and global empathy in time to avert planetary collapse?

Friday, 30 August 2013

Native American Little People

Native American Little People

Posted By Terrain Walker in Fae & Nature Folks, media-sites-misc

Native American Little People
in Fae & Nature Folks, media-sites-misc

Here’s several different tidbits of basic info on various Native American legends of Little People. I’ve provided reference links & book titles if anyone wishes to read further information on any or all of them.



Their size varied according to source:
Monster Spotter’s Guide to North America by Scott Francis they were listed as being approximately 7 inches tall
The Illustrated Encyclopedia Of Faeries by Anna Franklin list them as being about 3 feet tall.

The small beings have almost no hair, a pointy nose and beady eyes.
They’re shy and very self conscious about their appearance and do not like to be laughed at.  (both book describe them as ugly)

The MSG book reports their diet as small game, fish, nuts & berries.

The Nagumwasuck little people were friends of the Passamaquoddy Indians of Maine and Nova Scotia. Helpful to travelers who are fishing or hunting.
These were a peaceful elusive little people who would mourn with song the loss of a tribe member or celebrate special tribe events with dance.

They apparently are extinct now or have left the earth. Legend has it when people stopped believing in them they paddled away in a stone canoe.

Monster Spotter’s Guide to North America by Scott Francis
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fairies by Anna Franklin

further reading:


Mannegishi (with mention of the Gahonga)

The Mannegishi were reported as 3 to 4 feet tall,  hairless, gray, big heads on spindley bodies with no nose.
These little trickster are from Cree legends of Eastern Canada.

The Mannegishi were dangerous little trickster and hung out around the rivers and tipped canoes of people over in rapids to drown.

(The Iroquois of Massachusetts have a familiar legendary creature they call Gahonga. )

According to the MSG & the wiki article there has been a crypto connection with the Mannegishi and the Dover Demon sightings.

Monster Spotter’s Guide to North America by Scott Francis
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fairies by Anna Franklin

further reading:
Mannegishi wiki with a connection of the Dover Demon sightings


Kowi Anukasha or Forest Dwellers
Little People of the Choctaw


“A long time ago in ancient time, while the Choctaw Indians were
living in Mississippi, the Choctaw legends say that certain
supernatural beings or spirits lived near them. These spirits, or
Little People, were known as Kowi Anukasha or Forest Dwellers. They
were about two or three feet tall…”
read full article story: Little People of the Choctaw

Little People, sprites, & other- wiki link–>Choctaw Mythology


Geow-lud-mo-sis-eg – Maliseet, Wolastoqiyik Little People

Healers, pranksters, may be an omen of good or bad,

website article & stories:
Little People: Geow-lud-mo-sis-eg


Gan, Apache Little People

I have a couple of books that gives short descriptions of the
Gan, but no stories about them.

A Complete Guide To Faeries & Magical Beings by Cassandra Eason
The Gan are described as Mountain spirits of the Apache Nation. They are invoked with rituals of song & dance for safe journeys & good weather.

The Illustrated Encyclopedia Of Faeries by Anna Franklin
The Gan are described as Apache fairies of South-western North America.  They guard the mountains and may assist, if asked, to drive away evil spirits or bring good fortune.


The Apache Little People
I found mention of Apache Little People in a book online on Google called ‘Apache Gold by Joseph A. Altsheler’.

It’s about two people who find beehive like holes scooped out of the rock side of a cliff. The holes weren’t very deep, but suitable for living by cliff dweller standards.

read the book online reference:  ‘Apache Gold by Joseph A. Altsheler’


‘Pedro the Mountain Mummy’ & ‘Nimerigar’ – Shoshone Little People

And of course I can’t venture into the world of the nature folks without mentioning ‘Pedro the Mountain Mummy’…

In 2006, I was fascinated when I surfed across an article about ‘Pedro the Mountain Mummy’. It really caught my attention about stories of ‘little people’ legends in North America. According to the article the ‘little people’ stand from 20 inches to 3 feet tall and are known to be different beings to different tribes: tiny people eaters, spirits, healers, magical like the Celtic magical beings.

—About Pedro
’WYOMING LEGENDS Little People & the Pedro Mountain Mummy’  tells of 2 miners in 1932 who found a  tiny mummy in a sealed cavern in the Pedro Mountains.

The mummy was 6 ½ inches tall in a seated position. If it was standing, it’s may be 14 inches tall. It looked like an old man with wrinkled brown skin. It had a low flat forehead, flat nose, heavy lidded eyes, wide mouth, thin lips.  It also had a dark jelly-like substance on it’s head.

The article also speaks of a tribe of ‘little people’ known as the Nimerigar. Apparently these tiny beings would war with the Shoshone tribes attacking them with tiny bows and poisoned arrows.

The website article has pictures of Pedro, one is of his x-ray. Pedro disappeared many years ago and only his pictures remain.

read full article & see pictures:
*’WYOMING LEGENDS Little People & the Pedro Mountain Mummy’

further reference:

wiki link–> Pedro Mountains Mummy
wiki link–> Nimerigar

I’ve personally come to think Pedro may have been an infant that suffered from anencephaly … however… there are a few aspects of his find and his condition that if they are true, give me ’cause for pause’.  I think it’s a sad and interesting mystery.

The book, ‘The President’s Vampire By Robert Damon Schneck – strange but true tales of the United States Of America’ tells of a family that has a female mummy that was said to have been found in the same regional area as Pedro and the same tiny size. A ‘Dr. Gill’ tested the female mummy and he thought it to be a baby with suffering from anencephaly. Although, to me, the way it read, there seems to be some question as to the final diagnosis.


Menehune – Hawaii Little People
According to the ‘Menehune of Hawaii’ website,
The menehune range in size from about 6 inches up to 2 feet tall. They enjoy dancing, singing, cliff diving, archery and are mischievous, fast master builders, have great strength, they work only at night so as not to be observed. They shoot arrows into angry people’s hearts to make them feel love.

It’s speculated that they were the descendants of the first settlers of Hawaii from Marquesas. Others speculate that the Menehune were made up so the common people wouldn’t get the credit for constructing things.

Read full article: Menehune of Hawaii

more info, wiki link–> Menehune
There’s a lot of info on the wiki page, but I wanted post this bit of trivia:

“Their favorite food is the mai’a (banana), but they also like fish.”


Here a bit of further info from the book:

The Illustrated Encyclopedia Of Faeries by Anna Franklin
The Menehune are tiny beings with long black hair down to their knees to cover their nakedness and pointed ears.
They’re afraid of Owls because when they’ve been too mischievous the Owl god has the Owls to drive them back into the forest.
When the Polynesians arrived in Hawaii they discovered dams, fishponds and temples built by the Menehune.
Descendants of the Menehune-human parentage are able to call on the services of the menehune.
The menehune may act like house-fairies and prepare feasts for weddings and things while humans sleep.
There’s more specific info in the book, these are a short version of certain traits & aspects.


There’s other Native American tales stories online. Here’s a link to a website with a wealth of info.

First People Of America and Canada
use their ’search’ using the words: little people

There’s a plethora of stories and legends on this website from many different tribes.

First Civilization Fantasy or Truth?

Hi everyone, This is an interesting topic, my own thoughts on this topic of who were the first people or first civilization the builders of mega structures back in a time that is said that the humanoids of the day were no more then nomads wearing animal skins with spear and club as their only tools of the day.

Could it be that the phenomena, sparklies, orbs, and rods, we see today in different parts  of the world is only what's left of, or just a shadow of the residual energy of legendary dragons, unicorns, fairies, and a variety of other types of light beings and other ancient fantasy wonders which has been classified as myths? No one can conclusively prove or disprove the existence of unicorns, dragons, light beings and fairies, just as they can't prove or disprove if Atlantis existed or not or if the Bermuda Triangle is for real or not.

Maybe Atlantis and Agartha (Middle Earth) were and still are located somewhere, maybe somewhere other then here. Perhaps on Mars, or should I say under the ground on Mars. Let's go one further, what if the first civilization of humans who walked on the surface of this earth came from Mars? A Mars that could sustain life that even science today say could have been as recent as 20millions  years ago when mars was still wet and  earth had only started to cool sufficiently enough to support life.

This eventual exodus from Mars to Earth may have been planed for millions of years even before the Mars environment began to deteriorate and become uninhabitable, made even more so especially after the great asteroid and meteor storms began bombarding the inner planets of our solar system.

Agartha may still be there, safe under the ground where there could still be access to liquid
water and from water one can extract oxygen and oxidized ferrous bearing minerals, building blocks to sustain an ancient civilization .

Just like Atlantis may have been reconstructed beneath the waters of the Bermuda triangle in another dimension traveling back and forth by way of a worm hole or stargate. This would explain the weird or strange electromagnetic phenomena that occurs there from time to time in different parts of the world. Possibly sometimes when such a portal opens just at the right time and place, entire ships can disappear.

I use to have fun daydreaming or imagining and visualizing all these possibilities in my mind when I was younger, even drew pictures of what it may have looked like.  I to this day still do a lot of fantasizing, when fantasizing or hypothesizing possibilities there are no restrictions of impossibilities all is fair game and that is what makes it fun.

It might very well be that the Atlantians are those UFO's a lot of people claim to have seen and come in contact with. Could these beings be our ancestors? The first homo erectus to walk upright in the gardens of Mars along with the fairies, leprechauns and dragons, not that there were only names that writers have given them.

 Our ancestors from the stars DNA mixed with the DNA of other life forms from earth, the first Atlantians? The first human civilization on the surface of this planet walked side by side with the gods (Our star ancestors).

Maybe a lot of what was once upon a time has faded away or completely disappeared because of our being conditioning to accept deceit and lies, deceit and lies in attempt to detract or distract us from the truth. We turned our back on them, denied they existed. In time as we sank ever deeper into the denseness and darkness of this material illusion they call reality we lost the most precious thing given us, our recall of these things that once were.



Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Native Folklore and Fairytales

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Faith or Belief and Manifestation

Faith or Belief and Manifestation

Because something can not be perceived by the five physical senses does not mean it doesn't exist. Past, present and future are  simultaneous on the fabric of universe. The past has been written and recorded, the present is being recorded and  will be the manifestations into tomorrow's reality. Today is like  many trails leading into a forest of quantum potentialities. The  decisions we make today predict how tomorrow will unfold, for  the oneness of consciousness of all things has already been written.

There are those who I would have to admit are truly more advanced in the awareness of their subconscious minds or more introspective then others, This inner knowing is called **wisdom**, The experiencer becomes the experience and the Oneness experiences itself through all that has been created, Creator and created as one, the (quantum realities, or dimensions ad infinitum). And you may ask how far along are we on this journey of awareness?

Let us for a minute say that reincarnation is a part of a universal reality. Why would we as spirit beings who are of the oneness choose to loop back to a certain point along this time space continuum to be reborn into this time in this reality once more?

Or could it be for as many times as our spirit being has or may have experienced life in how many realities since the creation of the universe, the big bang, as science labels this phenomenal creation of Universe.. From this point where hence forth we are assigned to undertake another mission through the living vessel of flesh? If  this were so then how many limited lifetime memories does a spirit being contain?

We all experience our own varying personal levels of hell and heaven as we go through life in this reality. Is this a learning and growing cycle that refines us to the best us we can be as we learn from the school of life?

It is those who will not learn from their turbulent, controlling, violent,  greedy, and contrarian ways  who will end up getting caught in the repetitive loop of their own making to endure the same turbulent cycle again. It is our own choice..

From how science sees it, it is said that for every action you get an equal and opposite reaction is what I believe to be, whatever one puts out to universe will returned to them in equal portion, Karma. But Karma has two sides like a coin, make your choice wisely

If we can manifest our own hell, then why not our own heaven? We do have the choice and we can do something to change it. But many will say, “Oh,  better the devil we know  then the devil we don't.” Trust the little voice the inner instinct on this. If we were all to believe that, then there would truly be world Anarchy gone out of control and nothing would change.

Now, about these inner sensitivities: some say they are a curse while others call them a blessing or a gift. Why such a dichotomy?

As it is said, any constructive vision of success is in the eyes of the beholder, yes having a vision is good and goes along with the experience of living life. Thus it is in the mind and heart and sensitivities of the experiencer shall we say. We know that as we think negative thoughts, so will we get negative results in return. Positive thoughts can also equally bring positive results, or positive results from meticulous constructive planning and administration.

As we continue along our journey we learn much more about the mystery of our inner selves and our own potentials. We find many qualities within that we had no idea were ever there before. We can again begin to see through the eyes of a young child who sees everything as possible. Those same eyes can see with a limitless ability to bring healing and wisdom to an ailing world and the awakening into a much vaster consciousness We are all One within the oneness of infinite consciousness.


Tuesday, 20 August 2013


TO EVEN HIGH ORDERS of universe intelligences infinity is only partially comprehensible, and the finality of reality is only relatively understandable. The human mind, as it seeks to penetrate the eternity-mystery of the origin and destiny of all that is called real, may helpfully approach the problem by conceiving eternity-infinity as an almost limitless ellipse which is produced by one absolute cause, and which functions throughout this universal circle of endless diversification, ever seeking some absolute and infinite potential of destiny.

When the mortal intellect attempts to grasp the concept of reality totality, such a finite mind is face to face with infinity-reality; reality totality is infinity and therefore can never be fully comprehended by any mind that is subinfinite in concept capacity.

The human mind can hardly form an adequate concept of eternity existences, and without such comprehension it is impossible to portray even our concepts of reality totality. Nevertheless, we may attempt such a presentation, although we are fully aware that our concepts must be subjected to profound distortion in the process of translation-modification to the comprehension level of mortal mind. Within the infinities time become moot. Infinity is this very second.


Absolute primal causation in infinity the philosophers of the universes attribute to the Universal Father functioning as the infinite, the eternal, and the absolute I AM.

There are many elements of danger attendant upon the presentation to the mortal intellect of this idea of an infinite I AM since this concept is so remote from human experiential understanding as to involve serious distortion of meanings and misconception of values. Nevertheless, the philosophic concept of the I AM does afford finite beings some basis for an attempted approach to the partial comprehension of absolute origins and infinite destinies. But in all our attempts to elucidate the genesis and fruition of reality, let it be made clear that this concept of the I AM is, in all personality meanings and values, synonymous with the First Person of Deity, the Universal Being of all personalities. But this postulate of the I AM is not so clearly identifiable in undeified realms of universal reality.

The I AM is the Infinite; the I AM is also infinity. From the sequential, time viewpoint, all reality has its origin in the infinite I AM, whose solitary existence in past infinite eternity must be a finite creature's premier philosophic postulate. The concept of the I AM connotes unqualified infinity, the undifferentiated reality of all that could ever be in all of an infinite eternity.

As an existential concept the I AM is neither deified nor undefied, neither actual nor potential, neither personal nor impersonal, neither static nor dynamic. No qualification can be applied to the Infinite except to state that the I AM is. The philosophic postulate of the I AM is one universe concept which is somewhat more difficult of comprehension than that of the Unqualified Absolute.

 To the finite mind there simply must be a beginning, and though there never was a real beginning to reality, still there are certain source relationships which reality manifests to infinity. The prereality, primordial, eternity situation may be thought of something like this: At some infinitely distant, hypothetical, past-eternity moment, the I AM may be conceived as both thing and no thing, as both cause and effect, as both volition and response. At this hypothetical eternity moment there is no differentiation throughout all infinity. Infinity is filled by the Infinite; the Infinite encompasses infinity. This is the hypothetical static moment of eternity; actuals are still contained within their potentials, and potentials have not yet appeared within the infinity of the I AM. But even in this conjectured situation we must assume the existence of the possibility of self-will.

Ever remember that man's comprehension of the Universal Father is a personal experience. That Which is All, as our spiritual Oneness, is comprehensible to you and to all other mortals; but your experiential worshipful concept of the Universal Oneness must always be less than your philosophic postulate of the infinity of the First Source and Center, the I AM. When we speak of the Oneness, or God as the Oneness is understood to be by some, an entity or Deity both high and low, but there is much more of Deity which is not comprehensible to universe creatures. Oneness, is that phase of the Infinite which we perceive in our personalities as an actual experiential reality, but the I AM ever remains as our hypothesis of all that we feel is unknowable of the First Source and Center. And even that hypothesis probably falls far short of the unfathomed infinity of original reality.

The universe of universes, with its innumerable host of inhabiting personalities, is a vast and complex organism, but the First Source and Center is infinitely more complex than the universes and personalities which have become real in response to his willful mandates. When you stand in awe of the magnitude of the master universe, pause to consider that even this inconceivable creation can be no more than a partial revelation of the Infinite.

Infinity is indeed remote from the experience level of mortal comprehension, but even in this age on Urantia your concepts of infinity are growing, and they will continue to grow throughout your endless careers stretching onward into future eternity. Unqualified infinity is meaningless to the finite creature, but infinity is capable of self-limitation and is susceptible of reality expression to all levels of universe existences. And the face which the Infinite turns toward all universe personalities is the face of Oneness, the Universal Being of love.


1 In considering the genesis of reality, ever bear in mind that all absolute reality is from eternity and is without beginning of existence. By absolute reality we refer to the three existential persons of Deity, the Isle of Paradise, and the three Absolutes. These seven realities are co-ordinately eternal, notwithstanding that we resort to time-space language in presenting their sequential origins to human beings.

In following the chronological portrayal of the origins of reality, there must be a postulated theoretical moment of "first" volitional expression and "first" repercussional reaction within the I AM. In our attempts to portray the genesis and generation of reality, this stage may be conceived as the self-differentiation of The Infinite One from The Infinitude, but the postulation of this dual relationship must always be expanded to a triune conception by the recognition of the eternal continuum of The Infinity, the I AM.

This self-metamorphosis of the I AM culminates in the multiple differentiation of defied reality and of undefied reality, of potential and actual reality, and of certain other realities that can hardly be so classified. These differentiations of the theoretical monistic I AM are eternally integrated by simultaneous relationships arising within the same I AM—the prepotential, preactual, prepersonal, monothetic prereality which, though infinite, is revealed as absolute in the presence of the First Source and Center and as personality in the limitless love of the Universal Oneness.

105:2.4 By these internal metamorphoses the I AM is establishing the basis for a sevenfold self-relationship. The philosophic (time) concept of the solitary I AM and the transitional (time) concept of the I AM as triune can now be enlarged to encompass the I AM as sevenfold. This sevenfold—or seven phase—nature may be best suggested in relation to the Seven Absolutes of Infinity:

 The Universal Oneness. I AM of the Eternal Oneness. This is the primal personality relationship of actualities. The absolute personality of the One making absolute the fact of Oneness establishes the potential One of all personalities. This relationship establishes the personality of the Infinite and consummates its spiritual revelation in the personality of the Original One. This phase of the I AM is partially experiencible on spiritual levels even by mortals who, while yet in the flesh, may worship our One.

 The Infinite Upholder. I AM self-associative. This is the primordial association of the statics and potentials of reality. In this relationship, all qualifieds and unqualifieds are compensated. This phase of the I AM is best understood as the Universal Absolute—the unifier of the Deity and the Unqualified Absolutes.

The Infinite Potential. I AM self-qualified. This is the infinity bench mark bearing eternal witness to the volitional self-limitation of the I AM by virtue of which there was achieved threefold self-expression and self-revelation. This phase of the I AM is usually understood as the Deity Absolute.

 The Infinite Capacity. I AM static-reactive. This is the endless matrix, the possibility for all future cosmic expansion. This phase of the I AM is perhaps best conceived as the supergravity presence of the Unqualified Absolute.

The Universal One of Infinity. I AM as I AM. This is the stasis or self-relationship of Infinity, the eternal fact of infinity-reality and the universal truth of reality-infinity. In so far as this relationship is discernible as personality, it is revealed to the universes in the divine Father of all personality—even of absolute personality. In so far as this relationship is impersonally expressible, it is contacted by the universe as the absolute coherence of pure energy and of pure spirit in the presence of the Universal Oneness. In so far as this relationship is conceivable as an absolute, it is revealed in the primacy of the First Source and Center; in him we all live and move and have our being, from the creatures of space to the citizens of Paradise; and this is just as true of the master universe as of the infinitesimal ultimaton, just as true of what is to be as of that which is and of what has been.


105:3.1 The seven prime relationships within the I AM eternalize as the Seven Absolutes of Infinity. But though we may portray reality origins and infinity differentiation by a sequential narrative, in fact all seven Absolutes are unqualifiedly and co-ordinately eternal. It may be necessary for mortal minds to conceive of their beginnings, but always should this conception be overshadowed by the realization that the seven Absolutes had no beginning; they are eternal and as such have always been. The seven Absolutes are the premise of reality.


But of course there are quite possibly quantum parallel universes, or dimensions each containing its own universe. Since thought can be attached to any number of other life times, some in the past and some in the future, and all existing simultaneously, but can only be conscious of one mind in one physical body at a time. Source is the total of all consciousness. Therefore the total of all consciousness can not be contained within a finite physical consciousness, but thought can be anywhere between point A to point B in the total consciousness. Yea I can't do the math, either, but I do understand the concept.

What mysterious unknown are we awakening to? A new reality, or universal truth? How many eons has it been that we humans on this planet have been kept in the dark, where we are only allowed to see partial truths. To be encouraged into new hopes only to be dashed again when we show a possibility of posing a threat of coming to know more then our self imposed masters would allow us to know.

What is the Reality or Universal Reality? The Universal Reality is provided to us at different levels. We typically only receive what we are able to process based on our ability to conceive or comprehend in our finite mortal minds. In order to even begin to comprehend something as large as the infinities, Its like peeling an onion, there are many layers.

The first layer is the belief system that is already on this planet [amongst all religious faiths twisted to serve and benefited their own needs]. This could be the belief system you inherit from your own family ancestry when you are born. Its time to question the truth of this belief system [if you have not already done so].

Who are we, who am I? Why do I have this feeling like I am a stranger in an alien land? If I am an alien to this world then where did I come from, where did everyone one else come from, and what species have I originated from? If I a a seed from the cosmos then why did I come to this planet in this time line? Have I been here before and what is our source? Where does all this come from, who created this world and the universe it is ensconced within like a tiny grain of dust in a great sea? What is this system and how does it function?

These questions have been asked by many for eons. Until just recently the answers were not attainable at the level it is today through the sciences of biology, astrophysics, quantum physics and metaphysics. In prior millennium the general belief was that of omnipotent wrathful being overseeing all that was which religion named GOD. This GOD was supposedly the direct creator of all. This is true at the ultimate level as source is the creator of everything that exists.

What is the reality or the truth? Look at creation as we know it. The billions of universes, galaxies, planets and beings. How do all of these function? How can there be such perfect order? What is this intelligent anomaly which is apparently the universal harmony which drives this whole system we happen to live in but the entire universe as well?

Below is a higher level universal truth illustrated in simple form for anyone who has the sufficient inquisitive desire to learn, accept and comprehend it.

There is also a universal governing body and a cosmic governing body.
We are in a 10 dimension time matrix system, see diagram below. This time matrix is made up of an infinity of parallel universes each containing galaxies with solar system like ours with planets possibly very much identical to ours. Each system exists in it’s own dimension. Our Earth has been in the dimension 1- 10 dimensional zones. There are other higher systems in each in their own respective dimensional zones.

Similarly as all of the living cells you will find in your body, there are probably as many living planets in this system created by the Supreme Source, God. The macrocosm ([planetary universal system) works the same as the microcosm (the body layers system in each person) and this is excluding getting into the microcosm of the universe Creators Create in microcosm proportions. With each respective set of reality fields, or time matrix universes if you will with multiple dimensions ( parallel universes) exists an interconnected web of perpetual motion.

(Source) has created a system within itself that allows everything within itself to flow the same way all the cells inside the human system flow. Source is conscious of each and every particle in universe, just as each and every particle is conscious of their [Source.] The divine intelligence in its’ entirety seeds each cosmic and universal matrix of each parallel universe.

Where do we fit in all this? We are the incarnate. There are usually 2 incarnates sent to each time cycle one male and one female. These are our soul mates. The other 10 soul mates from the other ten dimensions are in different time cycles

How many angels can dance on the [point] of a needle. Can you fit the universe in the eye of a needle? Easy, if you go back in space far enough from the universe so that it is no bigger then a tiny spark, it will fit through the eye of the needle as slick as anything.

IMHO to me this would mean that we are not all human. After so many reincarnations not many of us would be of the original human stock come to experience life on dimension 1- 10 Earth. 

Bits and pieces 
By me

Creation and One Consciousness in Spirit

Creation and One Consciousness in Spirit

I believe that all that lives in the universe are as one consciousness  in spirit.

Why are we here? Why are we to suffer so? Let me ask, what would the chance be for me to be here, for this blink of an eye in the expanse of time in this realities time continuum? One flicker of light which could occur anywhere in universe, or not. Let us say, that  what if before time we were the ones who chose what we are to experience here on earth? Is it possible that  we chose to come here to learn from the experiences we are to partake of  in in this life time?  It is told that all has a reason and all goes as it is meant to be in harmony with all that is in the infinite plane.

We make the decisions as to what will be as we go of our own free will. But is there a pattern or a reason that we can discern as to why we are here? Well this is where I believe that along the way we are tested and we need to undergo these tests in order to evolve to the next phase we are to be in our lives either in this reality or another.

I believe that the potential of our choice can be a really beautiful place or a very bad place, again this is a decision or choice that we make for better or for worst, but remember, there is no loosing or winning in this game, it is all growth and progression within the awakening consciousness within the oneness of  consciousness.

Some of us we may ask, why were we given a bigger serving on our plates then most. Why? Well, have you ever thought it is possibly because we are special? Perhaps  we are the forerunners, the  awakening or the  quickened of necessity. These would be the true trail blazers, warriors of light  so to speak, or light workers, the gifted,  the awakening who are coming forward to light the way for others to follow. I believe that each step that I accomplish will be the deciding factor as to what I am or will be creating for myself in this life tomorrow, or perhaps even reach out into even other life times in other dimensions, (the ripple affect).

After all our own greatest desire is to know the true self, to know the one who resides within, then just be the best  her/him you can be. I believe that is a pretty heavy human instinctual force or characteristic. A force  within ourselves which drives us to continue to seek the meaning of our true being, and to become sufficiently awakened to our purpose here on Gaia. So that we may become conscious of our destiny.

We are all ripples on a pond. Energy rippling through all dimensions,  circles within circles. These ripples can be harmonious as intended by universe or they can be without pattern and order chaotic and without cause or order.

We are drawn to this truth, the inner truth, it is an instinctive behavior much like a moth being drawn to a street  light. But after as much time as I have walked on this journey I can not say truthfully claim that I know all the answers, no one does, the best we can hope for in this life time is that each of us will acquire their own little nugget of the truth to their  understanding.  I have found a measure of peace within  myself during this quest in learning  more about the inner self . I am still merely the seeker of the light and my desire is to share the wisdom and the light that I have aquiered  with those who would follow.

It saddens me to see those many that are blinded by the illusion of materialism, false promises and lies that are imposed upon us to keep us from knowing the truth and gaining true. A shroud of deception that hides the truth which lies within each of  us.
World deception by the present world order. It is for us to discern this truth which is within us and  embrace ourselves for who we are and to be always true to ourselves and not to succumb to the lies that confronts us every day as soon as we step out the door of our homes in the morning. Who are you? Look deeply within and you shall see the light of truth.

Not by far Maya.

 If you have the ability to truly see the world of our subconscious minds, then  the perception is never limited unless you choose to  put limits on it by your own choice. It can be quite amazing how much fear can keep one in a world of limited sight.

Below is part of a posting I had on another group of a similar topic

In the beginning there was only thought, then thought willed light in the dark void, this light was the birth of consciousness in creation. My theory is that even before and during the formation of the primordial soup of the early universe one would find all of the seeds of *thought* still remain or are still present  in universe to this day, only just transforming from one form to another

. All of the seeds of Source (thought) are all out there for all to see in this universal web which constitutes  the present day  universe, and always will, ‘ad-infinitum,’ only perpetually transforming and changing it’s form. The seeds of all matter and energy and life = consciousness, “the living universe.”

The essence of life is within, this living shell which we reside in for but only a short time. How many life times and how many worlds since the beginning of time or universe?

Genesis 6 (New King James Version)

1 Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. 3 And the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive[a] with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” 4 There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

So then what is above so shall it be below, everywhere in all the multi verses? I believe that we are all one in consciousness and does it mater what body, planet, galaxy or universe we inhabit if we are all sentient enlightened beings all as one in spirit including the planet we stand upon? We are “ Star Seeds.” Wouldn’t it be so super if you could become as one with our twin sister/brother, two separate physical beings feeling, thinking, and experiencing life as one in consciousness. Not just empathicly but experientially.

To be as one, even on an empathic level is one of the greatest miracles that universe allows us if we so desire it. When I was a kid I may have been a loner and felt like a stranger in an alien land most times, but I was never alone. Even at my age I still have a very fruitful and vivid imagination, where I can create my own worlds and I can populate them with who ever and what ever I want. Who knows, maybe some day it will manifest for real in another reality.

It saddens me to see those many that are blinded by the illusion of materialism, false promises and lies that are imposed upon us to keep us from knowing the truth. A shroud of deception that hides the truth which lies within each of us.

World deception by the present world order. It is for us to discern this truth which is within us and embrace ourselves for who we are and to be always true to ourselves and not to succumb to the lies that confronts us every day as soon as we step out the door of our homes in the morning. Who are you? Look deeply within and you shall see the light of truth.

So just be what you feel is real to you, your own two spirited being, believe it and live it and it will manifest.
