Tuesday, 30 April 2013

The Aquarius Dragon

In this early morning in another vilage Sandroughe in another location of the valley a wondrous spectacle was seen after a terrible thunderstorm, A very large aqua green dragon also rose out of the wild waters of the River Roufin at the Roufin bridge. The dragon had probably been awakened from it's deep sleep at the bottom of the river by a violent thunderstorm that washed down from Mount Rowenbach, which flowed thunderously into the Roufin beneath the village grain mill. 
The startled dragon shot for the surface, upon emerging into the surface air it was temporarily blinded by a flash of lighting and landed in a sprawl on the river bank. Lifting it's huge head up towards the sky it screamed in frustration with such ferocity that it shook the leaves on the near by trees. Lifting it's huge luminous wings once again took to the air flying in the opposite direction from the storm, the air pressure from it's huge ponderous wings blowing the leaves and twigs from the trees below.

The beast flew towards a lone peak in the distance and roosted upon it's summit to rest until dawn which would soon arrive. The early dawn light lit up a the sky to reveal a beautiful valley below, a patchwork many colors. In the distance the dragon could see a column of smoke rising up above a grove of trees. An irresistible aroma came to the
  dragons nostrils that it could not resist and realized that after the long slumber it had taken at the bottom of the river it had grown hungry.

The dragon once again took to the air and flew towards the column of smoke like a moth drawn to a lamp. In this early morning in another vilage Sandroughe in another location of the valley a wondrous spectacle was seen after a terrible thunderstorm, A very large aqua green dragon also rose out of the wild waters of the River Roufin at the Roufin bridge. The dragon had probably been awakened from it's deep sleep at the bottom of the river by a violent thunderstorm that washed down from Mount Rowenbach, which flowed thunderously into the Roufin beneath the village grain mill. 

In the long distant past dragons lived along side man in harmony and thry were the protectors and helpers and guides for man. But unfortunately something happened and man turned against it's friend and protector the dragons and the dragons withdrew into the high peaks of mountains and thick wilderness areas. But man did not leave them in peace for long before they came hunting for them so the dragons retreated even far the into remote places on our planet. 

But man continued hunting and slaughtering them an finally they retreated to another place, another world where men would not be able to reach them. 

Some chose to stay with the hopes that somehow they could reconcile their bond with mankind but mankind continued to hunt them to near extinction, today only a very few of them remain, only seen by those who still have an open mind and are pure of heart can see to them, especially young children. In this tiny community it was the very young who were the first to see the Aquarius dragon coming in the distance. The children from everywhere in the village came running out to see the magnificent dragon.

The dragon circled the village from high above just out of arrow and lance range looking for the source of the aroma it had smelled. A large cauldron on a tripod stood over a fire in front of one of the dwellings, folding it's wings it dove down towards the cauldron . more children ran out of the dwelling accompanied by two men with lances, the dragon continued its dive looming bigger and bigger as it got closer until finally it folded it's wings and landed on the dirt in a loud of dust as continued moving forward towards the cauldron  The dragon could hear shout as and screaming all around but never lost a stride as it continued towards the source of the irresistible aroma.     

Not one lance was thrown nor any arrows shot, it had happened to quickly and now there were children everywhere who had come out to sea this amazing beast. Some children were practically dragged away by frantic adults but there were to many of them. One little red haired boy approached the dragon with no apparent fear. The beast knocked over the cauldron and just proceeded to feast it'self oblivious to the hub bub around it. The red haired boy continued moving towards the dragon. 

The boy reached the dragon and just stood their in amazed curiosity at the beast only just a few steps away, the dragon finished with it's meal it turned to look at the boy who just stood there fearlessly  The dragon nudged the little boy with it's snout and the boy stumbled back a few paces but persistently just walked back to stand in front of the dragon smiling he extended his hand towards the beast. Giving up the beast lowered it's long sinewy neck and chin to lay flat on the ground. The boy again walked right up to the dragon and petted it on the snout then sat next to it with his right arm round his neck. The boy smiled as he thought, "my forever friend."  

Cynthia ©

Monday, 29 April 2013

Dragon Legends

During of the distant misty past of medieval times, it was believed that there were dragons that were claimed to have mystical powers, they lived in crevices high in the jagged mountain tops above the surrounding valleys below.

One day in the late summer season, a powerful dragon flew down from mount Dracona and landed so close to an unsuspecting village peasant girl by the name Scrachen, that she slumped to the ground and passed out. 

The peasant girl woke up a short time later, she found that the Dragon had lain down only a few dozen steps away and had drifted off into a fitful slumber. In front of the dragon laid a lump of bright material that appeared to have an inner glow of it's own, it radiated a bright milky white light. Scrachen remembered some stories told that Dragons had these stones that were embedded in the lower part of their neck which shone very brightly. These stones were rumored to have great mystical powers and were a very much valued possession. A symbol of power.

Scrachen remembered also stories of a famed warrior who once killed one of the Mount Pilatus dragons: he somehow managed to run his spear down the dragon's throat then finished killing the beast with his sword then removed the stone from the lower part of it's neck. 

Sometime later it was rumored that the warrior had suddenly and mysteriously disappeared. What had ever happened to him? No one knew to this day, just was never seen again. It is also now known that a dragon does not breath fire, but they do breath out a very toxic poisonous breath that can kill many warriors with just one exhaled breath. Sometime it could take days of agony before the victim finally succumbed to death. Could this have been what happened to the warrior? Had pride driven him away into the wilderness to die alone?

Scratchen, slowly and careful moved forward judiciously measuring every step carefully so as to not make a sound. Stopping for a moment as the dragon shifted it's position but did not awaken. She continued to advanced slowly towards the dragon. Her first thought was to steal the stone but as she got closer she noticed old woulds that healed over leaving many scars. It was the wound at the lower part of the neck that caught her attention as she drew closer. Scrachen stopped dead in her tracks with a sudden realization  This was the supposedly slain dragon the vanished warrior was supposed to have killed. Scrachen continued to edge forward towards the dragon and very carefully and gently touched the dragons front clawed paw. The beasts eyes immediately opened and a large reddish eyeball was staring Scrachen.

She  heard a low growl from down deep in the creatures throat. She sat on the ground next to the beast with her hand still gently resting on the beasts front clawed scaly paw. The creature turned to look look at her directly with both eyes then lowered it's head and sniffed her just like any other animals do. The creature satisfied that she meant it no harm and carried no weapons it lowered it's head near the ground before it and began to push the shiny object towards her. She knew immediately what it wanted of her. Replace the shiny object to it rightful place. Again Scrachin carefully and slowly picked up the shiny object and knew what the creature want. She held the the object against the wound on it's lower neck and almost immediately a healing affect began to take place as the object as the object reconnected with it's host. 

The Dragon once again lowered it's head to the ground this time also letting it's neck stretch out flat on the ground and just laid there blinking at her. She knew what it wanted, it wanted for her to climb on and go with it. Three beats of those huge leathery wings and the were aloft. Next thin Scrachin knew is flying above the clouds headed towards a distant mountain

Cynthia ©

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Childhood dreams lost

As I have come to remember more of my childhood growing up in a small town I envy the old me . The young idealistic, innocent that still believed that her marriage was going to be a place of safety, love and support and to have children and raise a family. That dream is so long dead it is covered in dust.

Now instead of the dewy eyed girl who could trust and love with a completely whole heart, I became a battle worn, emotional wreck. Every time life and my questionable choices knocked me to my knees, I got up again. Not always for myself. I crawled back up to be some body only to end up in poverty and I strived again to be some body's love. I got gut kicked and tossed out like yesterday's garbage and I clawed my way upright once again to be some body's loving wife.

It was enough to want to be there for others. It was enough to keep me driven and focused; to succeed. But I will tell you a powerful and amazing truth about my journey.

Nothing has made me feel more like a woman, a goddess, than to get back up solely for my own sake, I came to realize there was no one there to help me up. When I got up it had to be just for me, when the only excuse and reason for living became my desire to be completely there for myself I found that safe place. I found the real contentment, safety, fulfillment, support that I had always craved.

Do I miss that sweet innocent girl I was? Hell yes. It breaks my heart that she had to be bullied and abused to get to be me where I stand now. However, I cannot ignore the reality that her suffering has given me a powerful creative force, a breath taking dimensional beauty that can only be achieved by living hard and dirty for a while. They were all lessons about life and living and how to make better choices in my life and how to use my God/Goddess given gifts more wisely.

I love you right where you are. For to long were you a tightly closed bud, the promise of a truly powerful and loving woman. It is at that point when you feel unhinged, unappreciated, and held back from your joy that you are the unexploded brilliant fireworks that is a woman in transition. I remember the rudderless ship of abandonment I was. Trust me as an old battle scarred warrior princess that has become the finished product of the beautiful and fantastic life that you feel now.

Once you are on the shore of the other side of this uncomfortable time it gets better.
After you are washed clean by the torrent of hurt, anger, disappointment and woeful tears, it gets better.

When you feel strong enough and surrender completely to your dreams, desires and personal needs and wants, the clouds of despair begin to part. When you feel inspired and empowered to put yourself first it gets wonderfully better.

Now I have my beloved roomie of ten years, my twin flame and warrior in shining armor

Cynthia ©

The 12 Keys of Spiritual Activism

Spiritual Activism is about reconnecting the concepts of personal spiritual growth and societal action. It is a mindset that comes from the awakening of our perception of the interconnectiveness of all living beings and the understanding that not only do our actions make a contribution to the world, they also foster our personal spiritual development. Spiritual Activism moves the mindset of the individual from one of "me" to one of "us" and towards a goal of selfless service to others. Selfless service does not differentiate between invisible acts of service to others and those that are recognized publically. It works towards the empowerment of others to not only solve the immediate problem, but to give the tools to prevent the repeat of the problem.

The embrace of the path of Spiritual Activism enables individuals or groups to develop the noble qualities of compassion, wisdom and gratitude. It is in itself a Path of Transformation - a Spiritual Blueprint for living. We can shift our perspectives of reality through seeking service beyond self by practicing the Gifts of Service.

Music: Daniel Kobialka, "Annachie Gordon"


Haunted buildings? But of course. I do believe they are a real phenomenon, especially for some who are sensitive enough to detect their energy. I don't see negative entities but I certainly feel their energy and sometimes it's not very nice energy.

There was also a resident ghost in the homestead where I grew up.
From the time my dad bought the old house before renevations we could hear sounds at night, like popping sounds like someone stomping on a large tomato can. Creaking and groaning like one of those wooden tall ships at sea.

The sounds kind of spooked me when I was younger but as I grew older It didn't bother me as much but there was no way my mom could talk me into going into the cellar to get some preserves, I would have starved first. I didn't like that damp old wooden framed cellar full of spiders webs. I could have swore that some of those spiders were as big as a basket ball. But this was where the greatest source of the noise at night originated from.

In later years my dad had the house renovated with a full basement a had a living room, bath and bedroom added to the ground floor part of the house. With the full size basement I though that would be the end of the strange sounds at nigh. The same sounds continued unabated by the new basement

Some couple of years later we had my sister and her four children staying over. On this one ocasion my dad was away on business. One night a loud crash from the basement woke all of us up. My mom sister and the three kids ran into my room and jumped into the bed with me. I don't know why that was but everyone thought of me being the dragon slayer of the family I guess. So I armed myself with my dads twenty two riffle and went down stairs and checked every room. Nothing was out of place nothing broken or smashed

When I was nine years old I was sitting in the middle of the rec-room floor playing some board game by myself when I hears that familiar stomping sound again, like someone smashing a large tomato can with their foot. I never looked around to see what it was, I just said, Ok you can play this game with me if you want Cassandra, the name just popped into my head from nowhere. Not another sound was heard after that night.

I later discovered that this ghost turned out to be a little girl by the name of Cassandra, and all she wanted or was looking for was for someone to pay attention to her, so I made friends with her. She became my imaginary friend, so it was when someone would see me talking to myself, mom would say others present I was talking to my imaginary friend. I have seen shadows flicker in and out occasionally through the years and have never really paid them much attention until all of the past occurrences I mentioned above.

I do remember that It was more of a feeling then an actual observance. A feeling like there was a familiar presence in the house, but this presences had a calming influence, not negative in nature at all. It truly felt familiar, but I could not readily place what it was.

Anyway, I have experienced other phenomena on many different occasions through the years as well which I was never until just relatively recent time was able to explain or fully understand. I can't say if I actually ever made myself disappear and reappear again. In childhood I have on occasion learned to blend so well with the background behind me so that when I didn't want someone to find me all I had to do is stand perfectly still, so that even with bright-colored clothes they would walk by like I were invisible. It was a neat trick when I didn't want to be found when I was a kid.

The problem is that I have also discovered that even now when I am trying to talk to someone it is like I am not there. Even my roomie, standing or sitting right beside to me does not notice or hear me either. So these little disappearing acts can at times be quite annoying, Disappearing without even actually disappearing. Just “poof!” no one notices I’m there short of pulling my hair, making weird faces and screaming my butt off, so it would appear at times. Which sometimes I feel like doing. Pretty odd isn't it?

Ok now for The Return of my Ghost Friend. It was In August of 2007 when my roomie totaled her car and walked out without a scratch. Then late September we survived another near fatal car accident when my van we were riding in was hit from behind while stopped at a red light, totally pushed the back end of the van to the back of the front seats. It was a miracle we walked out of that one alive with only a few minor bruises.

I have often wondered why I felt stuff that others didn't when I was in certain places. The negative energy in this place we had just moved in was so dense and oppressive you could literally almost cut it with a knife when you walked into the place. We were finding ourselves aggressively arguing with one another at the least provocation, which was unusual for us, we hardly ever even have disagreements with each other.

About a month after the van incidence our apartment was broken into. My partner was not certain if the perpetrators were still in the house or not. I could feel that the residual energy was old, and that no one was in the house. She called the police on her cell phone, mostly out of formality, As I had thought the police had been a waste of time. The next day I told my roomie that there was some type of nasty energy that had to be cleansed out of the house. She went to the local Catholic church and got some holly water and we sprinkled holy water as well as smudge the apartment with sweet grass twice over, then I felt the negative energy subside and it became considerably calmer and more peaceful in the room.

It was shortly after the cleansing that we both began to see Cassandra. She made herself presence quite literally noticed at times seen as a fleeting shadow or something feeling a a subtle touch on your shoulder. I don’t think she really had ever left. I just had to become conscious that she was still around. As for me, I am happy that she has returned, My childhood imaginary friend I use to tell everyone is still here with us. :o)

Cynthia ©

Friday, 26 April 2013


Family, Peers, superiors such as teachers, preachers, politicians, boss etc. as well as friends and to
a greater degree society itself defines who and what we are to be from the moment of conception. The seed of the mind continues to grow and to become what it believes it is suppose to be. The fully mature character of the person you have been conditioned to think you are. 

But like the potential of the great oak seed remains dormant, entrenched and buried within the mind until the mind becomes conscious of this other potential within, allowing the oak seed to grow into a sturdy oak tree with all of its branches extending outward, and all of the characteristics that make you who you are as a person come to life. 

Once we are conscious of our true characteristics of our being, our true feelings  as well as the id, is the true part that dwells deep within ourselves. With this knowledge comes confidence and it is this confidence that will eventually define who, how and what I will identify as. 

It is *not* learned behavior, as the old teachings would have us believe. It is deeply *rooted from the original seed,* within the mind. We are who we are from birth and this seed within the mind will determine what the person will be. 

In my earlier life during the days of turmoil  and confusion I was lost. I no longer had an identity until I accepted who I truly was inside and not what others expected of me. One must be conscious of this truth which dwells within, before growth towards recognizing my own individuality began. Just having accepted who I am inside good and bad, it all balances out. This acceptance brought peace not just of my mind and heart but to my soul as well,  
Cynthia ©

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Have You Heard the call? A Spiritual Awakening

This is about the souls who have awakened to the awareness of having heard the call and why they have  volunteered to incarnate on planet Earth at this time.

You have received the call, now are you ready to pick up the phone and receive the message? A message that will lead you on a journey with a definite destiny, but not without its potential hazards. Do you love and care enough for yourself and others around you to do this?

I am a stranger in an alien land? If I am an alien to this world then where did I come from, where did everyone one else come from, and what species have I originated from? If I am a seed from the cosmos then why did I come to this planet in this time line? Have I been here before and what is my source? Where does all this come from, who created this world *and the universe* which is in itself ensconced within an immense void like a tiny grain of dust among many other grains of dust in a great sea of darkness?

Regression hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon talks about the souls who heard the call and volunteered to incarnate on planet Earth at this time as evidenced by her regression hypnotherapy clients who have been reporting on future events while under hypnosis. Are you one of the people who heard the call?

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Great Mother Earth
Great Mother Earth

How does "Man" think he is more powerful than the Great Mother?
She, who birthed all life, and with her birth waters flooded the land to create the rivers and the seas,
She, who made the seed for the plants to grow, and the trees to reach for the sky.
She, who can move mountains and sink Islands, with her breath she can wipe out entire cities in a matter of moments.
With her tears she can flood the land, with her icy breath cause glaciers to form, and freeze the land into winter hibernation.
She, who can burn the desert floor so that the land must rest, and man retreats.
Our great Mother Earth, who can shift whole continents with a mere shiver of her shell, or create a mountain that spits fire to build new lands.
She, who knows what dwell in the deepest oceans and atop the highest mountain range.
She, who taught the eagle to soar, and the whales to sing.

Man, who scurries in fear to hide when her lightening streaks the sky and her thunder rumbles across the valleys, and get on their knees to pray to their god for mercy when land trembles and the mountains spew fire.
But how soon does man forget and presume that he is the alpha and omega? Who does "Man" think he is? When will he stand in awe of her greatness of the inner and outer realities of what makes all in creation as one source energy?

We must all respect The great Mother, for we come from her, and to her shall we return.

An endless cycle like that of a spiraling galaxy.
Cynthia ©

Kindred Spirit with Gaia

The wind is your soul and the water is your living essence.
Your spirit is kin with the children of Gaia as is your heart.
You are at complete balance and at peace with the world around you.
You are a natural beauty inside and out, and you are loved and favored by Gaia. 
Your inner beauty permeates all that it touches.
You are a true daughter of Gaia and she has blessed you;
She has blessed you with the gift to be her kindred spirit. 

Cynthia ©

Your sister

Monday, 22 April 2013

Inner Knowings

Yes I believe I know why I have this inner knowing that informs me about certain events and occurrences. Some are truly painful to experience and may not be so clear as to the purpose or reason as to why I experience them.

There are times there isn't any thing I can say or do to prevent or change anything unless the way to do so was clearly and specifically shown to me by the inner knowing as I proceed with what needs to be done. But I have come to believe it does not always necessarily work out that what ever is required of us to do is not necessarily in a physical sense, it is from within.

It is not impossible to know instinctively or intuitively what is required of me to do if I am open minded to such phenomena and petition in meditation or prayer to be shown how to deal with any problems on a daily basis. Most times, unless I am not open to receiving, even without even realizing, catastrophe hits. But instinctively if I am aware, I am lead to do what’s right and in this manner I am able to circumnavigate any potential stumbling blocks there might be along the way.

Just like the Biblical prophesies were not written in stone, Sometimes there is a way to divert such catastrophic events as foretold in the prophesies. It does happen on occasion one changes their mind about a certain thing and by this idea not being completed, it doesn't happen. In this way those of us sufficiently aware are able to intervene, just by *without even being there physically to do it, you Just do your part of not doing what doesn't feel right*

I learned this lesson the hard way that there are something’s we have no direct physical control over. There are certain events that will come to pass both in the now and the future that are not meant for us to intervene, but always follow what feels true within you. Do not follow blindly.

Cynthia ©

Doorway Into A New Reality

We have lost our way to confusion and complication.
Simplicity or following the path of least resistance only exists alongside magic dragons,
fairies, and fairy princesses so some would have you believe.

Wisdom is both psychological and spiritual and is in harmony with the spheres of reality, true reality in the order and harmony of universe and not the **falsehoods and lies,** that they would want you to believe in this man made reality. I needed to reawaken and see the world through different eyes.

Eyes that are able to perceive the simplest of harmonies in nature, and to be aware of the elements around me, the same elements I live and share with the denizens of the wilderness, the arms of the mother who embraces all living things.

I have felt emotions such as love and compassion to such depth and intensity like I had never before experienced,

It is a soul awakening which contains rivers of ardent tears of sorrow, as well as impassioned feelings, of happiness and bliss.

No more shall this new light be mired by infusions of bewilderment and confusion as my heart will be at peace and tranquility within.

Does true reality hidden in nature exist only in children's story books? Why does tis child once they mature and grow up to join the rest of society to play the game they call life chooses to discard these wonderful gifts of nature. They become blind to the beauty that is all about them in pursuit of the material things. Why do they  rape, pillage and slowly kill Mother Earth and her denizens for their own greedy needs of power and riches.

We all have the potentiality to manifest a new life and embrace so much more beauty and bliss in this very reality, just by being in harmony with the people and the environment around you.

Love a child, help a needy, accept both nature and man into the bosom of your heart

But first of all be patient and enjoy the journey, for it is the experience of journey, not the destination that is the most exciting part of life.


Sunday, 21 April 2013


Some choose to navigate their live in a zone they are comfortable with, it is something they are familiar with. Accepting all the wrong doings of others as normal because they know no other way. The most frequent reason for this stems from ones conditioning, from early childhood. Conditioning to think and feel that it easier to work under a oppressive conditions even if doing so is self destructive to their own physical and mental health because it is the only way they know or have learned how to survive.

It began during several year in an abusive relationship. It was an environment which had become familiar to me so that I knew no other way out, or even if there was a way out. The light was not something for me to have, I feared the light of wisdom and knowledge for it was a mystery to me. Something I would be punished for attempting to even expressed any such thoughts. If I dared believe there could be something better I thought I would surely pay dearly for such forbidden aspirations.

Shortly after being released from my bonds I stopped drinking after so many years of numbing myself with the stuff. I knew of the light and was aware of something within me that was much more powerful then what presented itself on the exterior and many a times through those years afterwards I questioned others, seeking an understanding of this concept of the ‘light’, Or the Spirit of all things. The light of hope and balance and harmony in the world. It is everywhere but no one sees it, they go on doing their thing totally oblivious. They talk but don’t see. But just as many times my questions was asked, it fell on the ears of the ignorant.

All that I knew had been taught to me was of a A God of the church. Churches who condone to Go Do Harm onto Others in the name of God?  This kind of God Is not the kind that I would be sending prayers to. Such people who uphold this kind of power I can not grasp in my mind and heart, it’s out of my scope of my understanding. The power I came to know as the essence of all that I can sense and feel through my own inner consciousness I call the living essence Great Spirit. ‘The power’ that be, the web of creation, the harmonics of cosmos  This power is neutral neither bad, or good, nor is it negative or positive, the duality is necessary for balance in the universe it’s ego that needs tampering

It is solely of our choice when we tap into (pray and meditate) this energy force that we determine, out of our own free will, as to what our intentions are with this energy. If it be for good, bad or for negative, positive, for what ever purpose, it is done of our own free will, it is of our own choice, but when making this choice is our conscience clear of doubt as to what you choose to do is right. Do we truly listen to the inner voice for guidance?

Beware of the super ego’s, and self deception they can both play a very good part convincing us that it is the right one even when it is not. So we have to be cautious when making that choice. It is usually best if one channels this energy through (prayed and meditation) and request for guidance form Great Spirit. 

Perhaps you have heard of the saying absolute power can deceive and corrupts absolutely. Subconscious can not be killed, but it can be suppressed. Only the person who has suppressed the subconscious mind is the one who can unlock it's doors again once more if it is be their will to do so.

As for me, I am who I am, I am a child of universe who was given a unique ability to think and choose what it is I must do on this journey called life. I pray and meditate to the Source that I be shown the path I must follow on this journey. A stepping stone into the limitless realm that Source has chosen for me.

Cynthia ©

From the old belief system it was taught to us from the ancient texts that, for all things there is a season where there is a time to put away childish thoughts. To Condition or impress upon you into believing that real is restricted to what you can sense with the five senses, and to exercising the imagination is the wrong and childish.

This is not so, "Imagination" is one of your most beautiful gifts humanity has been granted, which needs to be cultivated so that you can experience the wonderful possibilities, each being endless, infinite in each fantasy conjured up in the any potentiality that manifests in the mind of a child without limitations.
The limitation you place upon your own creativity are only the ones you place, Why not  release what is in your heart, like you would releasing the dove from it’s gilded cage. Allow your mind to "imagine, play, invent, create, experiment" let it fly free with all the possibilities which enter there into the realm of the mind.

You will soon find you can fly free, perhaps on the back of a great and mighty dragon, or how about flying solo on your own fairy wings, or perhaps on the back of a winged unicorn, or be the inventor of the intergalactic thought machine.

When your only desire is to live with joy  and freedom within the glow of peaceful beauty which is born of your own mind. A magical wonderland born from within the conscious mind and heart like the paint of an artists brush upon the canvas called universe.
Allow yourself to touch the child within, enjoy this wonderful gift of imagination that we are all given if we so wish to seek it.

Allow the complexity of the mind to flow free hither and wither where ever your heart desires it to go, there is no limits to where you might wish to go in this magical land that is already within you.

Cynthia  © 


"BELIEVE," Pray, a way will manifest itself although it may not be exactly the results you were seeking. Often times in life we encounter detours in out journey

If you follow your own inner guide the right  tools to do the job to get to the destination will present themselves. The end result is rarely what we plan or expect but you will be where you are meant to be to do what you need to do.

Following what your heart speaks to you, you will  achieve what is necessary to continue on your life’s journey.

If you can teach a dog new tricks, what does it matter what pedigree or color the dog is or if it’s long or short haired? As long as it barks when someone is in the yard and fetches your news paper like you would expect of any dog to do. But this one is special, this one has learned through you

That’s what makes some people in your life so specially for the time we were together
Good friends, loved ones enlighten each other and are there for you when you need them  

If you believe and sincerely have the faith in that prayer in  your heart, then that  prayer will not go unheard. A way will always be revealed to you.. Believe in your heart you can do it, and so shall it be. 

Ask Great Spirit to help you see the path and the path will be lit for as long as you believe within you heart that you will . 

Praying is like making a telephone call, you talk or express to the other your thoughts then you listen for the response. Listen with your heart or  your inner  intuition and believe with unwavering faith

It works, I know, the light beings (or angels) are never very far away they give you what you need to do what is right.

Cynthia ©

Saturday, 20 April 2013

To My Dear Sister Wendy

A Knock at the Door

Where the Magic Lives

Friday, 19 April 2013

Thoughts Dreams and Fantasies

Thoughts Dreams and Fantasies

Egoless? I'm afraid that would only be if I were a saint, or a robot, and even then I am afraid I would still be skeptical to that proposition.

There is an infinity of potentialities within the quantum realities, Creator and Creation as One. We exist in a realm where we can only conceive infinity when the mind is stilled, one heart beat at a time, within that one pulse of life is infinity. 

Even in sleep the mind is never completely at rest, it is industriously manufacturing it's own realities through, visions, sleeping dreams as well as the wakeful dreams, day dreaming. All is built upon from past memories, so as I plod along on the path of life I learn and I grow from those lessons in memory. Growth is not obtained easily, but I believe that experience, growth and learning is all part of the equation of life.

How many realities and how many lifetimes, or how many suits of flesh, must our spiritual being inhabit in order to grow and evolve to its full potential within the infinite consciousness?  How many lives have we lived since the seed of this universe came into being?

That seed of life, which would form sentient life was planted into the fertile soils of a plethora
of planets not just in this universe but the multiverses as well.

So what are dreams made of? What is the difference between imagination and fantasy? Where does thought disembark from being a process of thoughts in the brain to daydreaming then manifesting it into reality? And where are thoughts born out of to create these dreams?

Can you imagine all the lifetime memories a soul can contain, from the instant when the seed of this universe came into being, until now? Time, space, and distance itself is an illusion. Past, present, and future exist simultaneously just as the birth of a thought is instantaneous, think of it if you could harness that Idea into a thought machine, in the wink of an eye one could travel from one end of the universe to the other.

Cynthia ©
The World Is Beautiful

The world is beautiful and its beauty is part of us and we part of it.
Look at her abundant colors of blooms adding a miscellany of fragrances so sweet to the air
And the green forests standing tall and proud against the sky of blue above, 
Then there is the sound of a rushing rapids to be heard, not far ahead
The colors so beautiful in the mist over the rapids, like tiny rainbows are their hue

It is only man's obstinacy and tenacity to hold on to that which is not his or hers to keep,
in preference of sharing that which is meant for all living things to share,
it is horded only for the few, this is where we er is where we fail to see the true beauty
which is only hiden behind the veil of deceit.
In the final analysis, all that keeps the many from seeing and being one.
To be in harmony with the true beauty, to help them see.
To truly help them see why they are reluctance to look beyond the veil of deceit.

See the beauty, not from the eyes, but from the heart and you will see that we are truly one.

Cynthia ©

Thursday, 18 April 2013

The Faye Realm?

Yea the fairy realm, been there too, many times during meditative trances. The thing is when I go to those places I don't go in the physical body, nor through the psyche, those realms are right there inside of me, or should I say that your inner essence or soul is connected with all of the quantum realms of physicality, energetically and spiritually all is of the same essence.

Close your eyes and let your mind drift. Just let the thoughts there in drift like the fall leaves in a brook. Absently watch the leaves flow by you but do not hold any back, let them flow. Soon you will find yourself in the space between wakefulness and sleep, let us call this the "twilight zone."

It is in this zone that you will see the light. At first it will be a circular or oval shape of blue white light. Do not be frightened, relax, let it come to you. Next, the blue white light will split up in many different bands of beautiful bright colors, the colors will swirl all around you in the room.

The colors will then dissolve and this will be where the fae will appear and will dance all over the room in their many different and beautiful wispy streamers of colors.
Has anyone seen the orbs and the sparklies? The sparklies are most prominent in the daytime and can be seen best in the bright blue sky, tiny pin points of light, like tiny sparks everywhere in the sky. You can also see then around the house especially on the ceiling in the darkness at night. They almost look like tiny stars.

Then you have the orbs, they can only be seen by those who are sensitive to that higher energy frequency, or through a camera lens. The orbs are spherical in shape and can be perceived in varying colors, like soap bubbles that glow in the dark. I feel there is a connection with these phenomena such as the fairies and many other different forms of light energy entities .

I had one particular one that use to come to visit almost every night for a long time.
It was wonderful watching her dance all over the living room, even dance in my hand when I stretched my arm out with the flat of my hand up. You know, I almost forgot about all my little friends here. So busy still trying to be something that wasn’t meant to be. But I have my friends here in my forest where the fairies and me live
Cynthia ©

 The Divine Feminine

We must find ways to heal the wounded feminne in our own hearts and souls.

For over 2000 years, the symbol of the trinity has been represented by a male deity.  And it is through this trinity that many women have looked for direction in their spiritual lives, not knowing of any other way.   But recently, another tradition has re-emerged-one that predates the patriarchal view of the spiritual journey by thousands of years.   This ancient tradition is that of the Great Goddess, whose three aspects-maiden, mother, crone-represent the natural cycles of the Earth and all its creatures.   Many women seeking a spirituality that embraces and honors the feminine principles of creation and natural balance have claimed the Goddess for their own.

The Egyptian Goddess Maat is often depicted as a giant bird who holds the entire world in perfect balance, while at the same time holding a feather with which she could tip the scales to one side or the other.   Unfortunately, over the last four millennia on our planet, the scales have been tipped in favor of the masculine, causing the equilibrium to be destroyed at all levels.    In this new era, perhaps the water-carrying principle, the feminine, will have enough influence to put out the fires kindled by two thousand years of male Logos orientation and to begin to heal the desert.
The imbalance of our fundamental institutions reflecting a father God at the peak of an all-male trinity,  has had a devastating influence on the Western world.   With the accelerated pace of events due to scientific advances in the last three hundred years, and especially in the last fifty, the fracture in Western society and in the human psyche has become more and more apparent.  The pollution of our planet Earth and the flagrant abuse of her children are closely related to this fundamental flaw.
The feminine might have been established from the beginning as an equal partner of the male deity.   Feminine preferences and attributes would have been honored equally through the centuries, and the resulting integration in the psyche of individuals would have spread to their families and communities.   The denial of the feminine as partner and friend has robbed us of ecstasy.   The wounded male, seeks his lost ecstasy in all the wrong places-violence, power, materialism.
Our worship of an exclusively male image of God is both distorted and dangerous.  Male preferences and male domination cause society to form institutions based on a "male" model, with power concentrated at the top and the exploited masses imprisoned at the bottom.
Where the feminine is not valued, a man has no real intimacy with his counterpart.   Deprived of his equal opposite because the feminine is viewed as an inferior object, the frustrated male causes burnout:"where the sun always shines, there's desert below."  Forests wither, streams dry up, the earth cracks.   The wasteland ensues.
The hierarchical model of patriarchal institutions, where all decisions and power rest with the autocratic ruler or oligarchy at the top, is losing its vitality in the wake of the powerful feminine consciousness being expressed in our modern world.
This resurrection of the feminine has allowed the things that women traditionally care most about - the education and nurturing of children and the enhancement of the quality of life - gradually to become visible on the agenda.   Under the influence of this resurgent feminine principle, there is hope that the peoples of Earth may yet become enlightened, cherishing the unique gift of life of which this "water-carrying" planet Earth is custodian.
Long forgotten in Western civilization, there was a mandala honored in the oldest cultures of the world.   It was based on the archetypal symbols of male and female.
From their sacred Cosmic Dance of the Opposites, which symbolizes the interplay of the positive and negative forces of  energy, harmony spreads into all aspects of the life of people.   This harmony is reflected in the wellbeing of the community and in the fertility of its crops and herd.
                                         Margaret Starbird

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The friendsyou meet in life are like oases.

I met many along my journey through life. I come to love them like they were one of my own.

You share sad times as well as well as the happy times, you love and you care. So you walk hand in hand of the same path for a time

 I may shine my light for my friend who wishes to follow for a time, but at some point they will choose their own path in life to continue on their own journey their own way

A friend is a friend for life, no mater the distance between them, real true  friends are never forgotten and near at heart

I cherish their friendship while we  are together  for they are as an oasis in life's empty desert. It can be a long walk until you find another oasis. so hold dear the one you have, for the time.

Will there be another dear soul for me to hold in my arms to console and give comfort, never say fare well, never say farewell, when it is always welcome here at my house 
