Friday, 26 April 2013


Family, Peers, superiors such as teachers, preachers, politicians, boss etc. as well as friends and to
a greater degree society itself defines who and what we are to be from the moment of conception. The seed of the mind continues to grow and to become what it believes it is suppose to be. The fully mature character of the person you have been conditioned to think you are. 

But like the potential of the great oak seed remains dormant, entrenched and buried within the mind until the mind becomes conscious of this other potential within, allowing the oak seed to grow into a sturdy oak tree with all of its branches extending outward, and all of the characteristics that make you who you are as a person come to life. 

Once we are conscious of our true characteristics of our being, our true feelings  as well as the id, is the true part that dwells deep within ourselves. With this knowledge comes confidence and it is this confidence that will eventually define who, how and what I will identify as. 

It is *not* learned behavior, as the old teachings would have us believe. It is deeply *rooted from the original seed,* within the mind. We are who we are from birth and this seed within the mind will determine what the person will be. 

In my earlier life during the days of turmoil  and confusion I was lost. I no longer had an identity until I accepted who I truly was inside and not what others expected of me. One must be conscious of this truth which dwells within, before growth towards recognizing my own individuality began. Just having accepted who I am inside good and bad, it all balances out. This acceptance brought peace not just of my mind and heart but to my soul as well,  
Cynthia ©

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