Sunday, 21 April 2013


"BELIEVE," Pray, a way will manifest itself although it may not be exactly the results you were seeking. Often times in life we encounter detours in out journey

If you follow your own inner guide the right  tools to do the job to get to the destination will present themselves. The end result is rarely what we plan or expect but you will be where you are meant to be to do what you need to do.

Following what your heart speaks to you, you will  achieve what is necessary to continue on your life’s journey.

If you can teach a dog new tricks, what does it matter what pedigree or color the dog is or if it’s long or short haired? As long as it barks when someone is in the yard and fetches your news paper like you would expect of any dog to do. But this one is special, this one has learned through you

That’s what makes some people in your life so specially for the time we were together
Good friends, loved ones enlighten each other and are there for you when you need them  

If you believe and sincerely have the faith in that prayer in  your heart, then that  prayer will not go unheard. A way will always be revealed to you.. Believe in your heart you can do it, and so shall it be. 

Ask Great Spirit to help you see the path and the path will be lit for as long as you believe within you heart that you will . 

Praying is like making a telephone call, you talk or express to the other your thoughts then you listen for the response. Listen with your heart or  your inner  intuition and believe with unwavering faith

It works, I know, the light beings (or angels) are never very far away they give you what you need to do what is right.

Cynthia ©


  1. Great post Sweets, It was very in lighting to read and made me feel very hopeful and that the next journey that both you and my hubbie are on will be great ones and we all will have a great journey in different ways together.
    your Sis

  2. Yep it's all in the believing, and you know that sis. Just BELIVE
