Monday, 8 April 2013

The Secrete of Fairy Dust

You know, the secret that makes the world go around?

Stop wars?

Bring peace and bliss to all?

Can move mountain just by wanting to?

Great peels of thunder and lightning are dispersed to allow the golden orb of the sun to shine through to warm mother earth to bring forth life?

Weapons of war and destruction dismantled and converted for implements of peace?

None shall suffer or be hungry for the bountifulness of of our loving mother earth shall provide abundantly for all?

A new fawn in the sun dappled woods gets up on wobbly unsteady legs to explore for the first time the colorful new world that lies all about her.

Mother and child sitting on an old wooden rocker on the front porch, mom embracing child lovingly to her breast humming gently a melody to her child as she peacefully rocks the creaking old rocker back and forth.

A myriad of butterflies in the big old Oak tree playing tag with several giggling sun fairies, whirling playfully about from branch to branch setting the leaves to flutter as though blown by a breeze.

The fairies depart in a flurry of sparklies like tiny sparks spreading to drift on the early mornings air currents sending the sparks aloft to eventually float back down over the country side.

The magical sparkly fairy dust fills the air mingling and mixing with the golden morning sunlight as love and peace fills all the hearts of those that are touched by this magical air.

Love is knowing peace, kindness, compassion, empathy, and harmony, this is the essence of all living things upon the bosom of the loving mother we call earth.

What is the big secret, the big secret is love.

Written by Cynthia ©

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