Friday, 7 June 2013

Fairy Dreams Poems

Have you ever seen the fairies after it stopped raining,
As they spread themselves over the leaves in the trees to dry their wings in the sun?
Well I have, all sparkly and bright, I so long to be there with them, how much fun that would be!
I have heard them giggle and laugh, sounding much like the tinkling of glass among the  trees a short distance away,
Joyously they sing and dance upon the green leaves of the tree.
They dance and sing to the beat of their tiny wings.
Have you ever seen them dance in the air, so gracefully,
Then suddenly one flies up into the sky, to flitter to and fro among the sparkling stars?
Well, I'll tell you what, you can see them to if you truly desire to.
They come to anyone who believes. 

Do you seek the way? I mean the place where the fairies live?
Do you really have the desire to know? Then I will tell, it's easy, quite.
You must wait  for the full moon when it is fully up,
up in the center of the sky, the hour of midnight.
When there is a full moon over the Purple forest  and the moon glimmers on the dark black sea.
There in the purple forest you shall find a path way which radiates its own light
A bluish green glow is the path and a sparkling of diamond brightness marking its edges.
Then if there be evil afoot to impede you, out of enmity or rot, then
 one must know the secret words for vanquishing these evil entities,  then say the magical words "I believe in you not!" 
To cast the spell you get upon a sunflower seed and fly all around the purple forest,
 and cast your spell of sparkly Fairy dust all about,
And, if the breeze is blowing the right way,
The sunflower seed  will take you away to Fairyland
along the trail of light!


  1. How refreshing it is to see imagination posted alongside serious discourse. Perhaps this world that we inhabit contains places that are filled with joy and they are as close as our faith and belief wishes them to be. Let us sometimes say the words and go there...

  2. In an infinite potentialities anything anyone that have and are thinking of since the dawn of man already exists on one world or another.

  3. Let us be one picosecond out of phase and see what's there.

  4. Beautiful Sis, I love the way write about your experiences with the Fairies. I do wish that the world was more like in the days when the fairies and elves were more in a form we could more see as a form than how a energy and light. It would be a grand thing to be in their world one day.

  5. They are sis, I am convinced more then ever that there are parallel worlds where there is more wonderous things then we can imagine.

  6. I know sis, I truly believe that the older that i get. that there are other worlds between worlds and parallel worlds. with other magick creatures within all of them. and all those sparkles you see are the faeires just in a different form than they use to be like they might have been thousands years ago.
