Saturday, 17 August 2013

Enchanted Forest

Enchanted Forest For you, please don't feel blue! Let us dance!

Please do not dishearten. Let us dance in the land of fantasy,

Where the land sparkles of fairy dust and fairy love.

Enchantment, and by the fairy magic that is everywhere in the air

Like tiny lanterns flitting all over in the enchanted forest do they come;

To give blessings of happiness and love to all from the purest of faerie-ness.

Let us reach out to distant lands and touch our distant fairy friends with ethereal hands!

And joyous shall we be when we come to know who we truly are within ourselves.

And to remember how far we have come and never again to be separated from the angels,

faeries and other accompanying ethereal beings and denizens of the Enchanted Forest.

They are with us always whether we see them or not.

You need only quiet the mind and listen for the tiny voices within. - Hear them speak.

Happiness and joy through the lands; So shall we feel within our hearts and hands,

with love shall we rejoice, we shall stand forever with our friends in the Enchanted

, never again shall we have the need to leave.

Don’t be so sad, we love you, we are all as one.


It was a number of years ago since I wrote this and it lay stored here in my microsoft word. I was a different person then, but something that has never changed is my imagination and my love for fantasy, well for some of us there is a lot more to these dreams and fancies, as some would call it, then just airy fairy because even the fairies are real and so is the world of imagination.

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