Saturday 14 September 2013


Yes some day we will find that special place,
the enchanted garden in the mystical forest, 
A lush green valley be-speckled by flower
with all the colors of the rainbow, 
butter flies and daffodils and tall grass
undulating  in the warm summer breeze  
A valley protected by tall majestic trees,
sentinels of a great magical forest,
where the fairies play in the golden sunlight,
streaming down through the branches of the great trees,
unto the enchanted garden a sparkling where the fairies play. 
we will all dance to our own hearts to the musical sounds
of nature all about in merriment, 
as we shall dance upon the sunbeams a shimmering.
In the Magical forest of Albedine
But first we have to row the boat across the sun dappled lake
Over to the next shore leading to Albedine

Dedicated to a dear friend Gail mutually known by me and my sis Wendy 
Cynthia ©

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