Saturday 7 September 2013

Song of the Fairies

Misty moonlight over the lake
Under the star Spangled heavens I seek for the
Fairy light sparkling in the dark of the forest
I ask thee to guide my way
From the branch of an alder tree
do they come to me
thorny branches along the musical creek stop me not
creatures of the night move as shadows
among the the evergreen trees
coming out to see the fair fairies glee. 
keepers of the creek the water fairies delight
whisper come to me thine weavers of the night
They come forth just beyond their reach 

Sprites and faie dancing and singing

in the night their beautiful tiny voices
ring the the darkened forest they call unto me
I lay on a bed of moss along the creek
enchanted by their melody and sparkling light
They dance and sing till sky in the east
is tinged with the rosy color of early morning
I fall asleep on my bed of moss 
and wake to the light of day
the fae have gone and all that is left
is a sprikling of their sparkly dust

Cynthia ©

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