Friday, 20 September 2013

Tree of Life

In life there are enchanted worlds
these worlds dwell within.
In our hearts and minds 
A land of many blossoms there
Fields spotted with many colors to see;
At the the center of them
stands the tree of life, 
in all its glory does it radiate
its wondrous light
 into the heavens above
Such is the enchanted tree of life.

Each of rays of color vibrating in
harmony with the many flowers
of the surrounding field; 
Each beam of light and flower
representing each heart and soul
you have touched
on your journey through life.
Each blossom vibrant 
in its unique color 
is representative of each soul
you have touched.
Also present are those who have Helped us
through our trials so that
we could find our own unique vibrant color,
Helping us triumph through our shortcomings

The radiant tree with its branches 
reaching into the heavens
with it's roots so reaching so deep within 
the great mother Gaea, 
the source of all living upon her; 
Come to the great mother to be rejoined
And like seed blown upon the wind,
we again find a new freedom.
By Cynthia ©

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