Tuesday, 8 October 2013

~ I Want to be a Fairie ~

~ I Want to be a Fairie ~

To streak through the air

in a trail of tiny twinkly sparks

Whirling around the great pines 

whizzing by the unsuspecting squirrel

and giggle gleefully as I see

the startled squirrel jump away

into the hazy light of day.

I breathe in the air deeply

as I soar then turn, 

and spiral down dizzily to the ground

and alight upon a flower,

to rest in coolness of shade

from the tall pine trees;

and a scent of sweetness all around

from many blooms the breeze blows.

My heart is filled with love and wonderment

at the magical world all about me.

My skin is as fair

as the cotton white clouds above,

and my hair is golden

like the sunlight all around. 

I whisper words of magic 

and blow a briliant rainbow of love

for all the world to receive,

if not then just set it free,

to find a home, 

in a needy person's heart.

As I listen with my pointy fairy ears, 

I hear the harmony of nature,

singing her song.

As I sit in my bloom

with a smile tracing my tiny face

I awaken every morning,

remebering this dream.

That I am a fairy,

Beautiful, simple, and graceful.

But also filled with love,

and know that I am special.


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