Being denied us our truth by those out there who force us to live their lie... How many lifetimes does it take to learn that wisdom is that which blows through quantum realities on the cosmic winds that blow in and out of our time and space continuum?
To communicate on the same level as a child, one must first be able to think and feel like a child. Who would be better qualified to know this child more inside and out than the one who embraced this child within her own womb for the first nine months of it’s life?
I am a child of the Universe, in a place that does not know time and space.
I don't truly know if anyone presently living in this finite realty really knows all of the answers, I much doubt it, or at least not in the conscious memory. Although there is a good possibly that to a greater degree much more of our memory is stored in our subconscious mind, I do not believe that the physical mind is capable of containing all of the data within the Oneness of al that is, but we as one may come to know the oneness of all that is.
To communicate on the same level as a child, one must first be able to think and feel like a child. Who would be better qualified to know this child more inside and out than the one who embraced this child within her own womb for the first nine months of it’s life?
I am a child of the Universe, in a place that does not know time and space.
I don't truly know if anyone presently living in this finite realty really knows all of the answers, I much doubt it, or at least not in the conscious memory. Although there is a good possibly that to a greater degree much more of our memory is stored in our subconscious mind, I do not believe that the physical mind is capable of containing all of the data within the Oneness of al that is, but we as one may come to know the oneness of all that is.
It is those who will not learn from their turbulent,and contrarian existence who will end up getting caught in the repetitive loop of their own making to endure the same turbulent cycle again. It is of our own choice that we do so.
From how science sees it, as it is said that for every action you get an equal and opposite reaction. This Karmic loop is, I believe to be, that whatever one puts out to universe will returned to them in equal portion.
If we can manifest our own hell, why not our own heaven?
Now, about these sensitivities: some say they are a curse while others call them a blessing or a gift. Why such a dichotomy?
As it is said, any vision is all in the eyes of the beholder. And so it is with the experience of living. Thus it it is in the mind and heart of the experiencer, the empathy let us say. We know that as we think negative thoughts, so will we get negative results to our thoughts in return. You cannot expect to continue doing the same errors over and over again and expect a different result. But this process works the opposite as well where positive thoughts can also equally bring positive results, or positive results from meticulous constructive planning and administration.
As we continue along out journey we learn much more about the mystery of our inner selves and our own potentials. We find many qualities within that we had no idea were ever there before. We can again begin to see through the eyes of a young child who sees everything as possible. Those same eyes can see with a limitless ability to bring healing and wisdom to an ailing world.
Cynthia ©
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