Friday, 15 November 2013

Shape Shifting

First of all, no matter what you do you are not going to physically turn
into an animal, so just drop that idea right now. Shapeshifting is a 
reality though. It is done through visualization so that you may carry 
the power and abilities of an animal with you when you need it. 
Drawing the courage of a lion in the face of adversity is an example 
where you can draw on the power of an animal spirit in such a way. Shapeshifting is also a way of getting to know an animal better (the 
old walk a mile in their shoes or perhaps in this case it should be paws
....) Finally shapeshifting allows you to take on animal form while on 
shamanic journeys or while you visit the astral plane. 

To learn to shapeshift you should be in a place where you can 
meditate, but where there is enough room to move around. You should 
be dressed comfortably (or undressed comfortably, if that is your 
preference) so that you may move freely. Relax, close your eyes, call 
and greet the animal spirit you wish to shapeshift to. Let yourself 
become that animal in posture, stance, movement and sound. How
does this animal see, hear, taste, touch, smell? What is it experiencing? 
Move as it would move. Become it with all the abandon of a small child. Experience it as long as you wish. When you choose thank the 
animal spirit that has helped guide you in learning its ways and then 
return to your human body. Write or draw your experiences if this 
helps you. 

You can do this with as many creatures as you wish, getting 
comfortable with their different forms and abilities, so that if you are 
in need of their strengths you need only don them much as you would 
a mask. In fact masks have been used as a focus to help in the 
mindshift used in shapechanging and might be something you would 
like to try. 

The ability to shapeshift can be very useful when you are doing 
shamanic journeying or astral traveling. If you come across a place 
where there is no way to continue because of a huge chasm you may 
choose to take on the form of a hawk or if you find a place too small 
to enter, become a mouse. 

You should be careful not to take on any one form for too long. 
Changes in your abilities will happen with time, not by keeping the 
abilities of a certain animal with you at all times. Do not learn to 
depend on a mask to face the world for you might become the mask. Remember your parents asking you, while you had your face 
contorted into a nasty face, what would you do if your face froze that 
way? Although you will have the positive aspects of the creature you have chosen to keep on you can also grow into the negative ones as 
well. It is all well and good to want the courage of a lion, but do you 
want the arrogance and pride with you at all times as well? 

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