Sunday, 10 November 2013

The age of Aquarius and the sacred Feminine

The age of Aquarius and the sacred Feminine

The age of Aquarius and the rise of the Sacred Feminine

We are on the declining edge of the cycle where the Earth started a new rotation or orbit around the central star of the Milky Way galaxy, which could have been around the decline of Atlantis, somewhere about four million years ago.

Somewhere around November and December 2012 - We will hypothetically be going through a process of unprecedented change during this ending cycle. Note, the dates and numbers used here are only theoretical and are meant only for the purpose of reference points in time for this illustration.
Another factor to consider: one galactic Sun is the distance of one rotation around the center of the Milky Way galaxy measured at the galaxy’s outer edge. This is a huge distance best expressed in Earth years (1,728,000 years) for the Fifth root-race.
Please check out information below.

According to the Mayans, humanity will shift to the ‘fifth sun’ phase, where a golden age of higher consciousness will emerge.
(Golden age) may well be emerging and overlapping the (black age) Alternatively in this cycle, there may be a smaller cycle emerging within the cosmic cycle.

And so we speak this moment of what may be termed the 'Heart of the Sacred Feminine'. On the winter solstice of the early part of 2000, the 'Heart of the Divine Feminine was supposedly activated or awakened into the universal field. On the spring solstice of 2010 it will join with the universal consciousness activation of the Cosmic Trigger.

The quickening time has arrived and changes will occur everywhere on the planet, and among the most relevant is the balancing of the planetary energies. Such as areas that are considered overly industrial, overly corporate, overly dictatorial
 will be subdued. This is indeed a crucial aspect of the 'Return of the Sacred Feminine', for indeed the Sacred Feminine will bring a gentle nurturing, which is termed as feminine, and thus bringing a balance to the masculine overage. Ascension is harmony, and harmony means, symmetrical balance within the polarity of the planet and all that dwell upon the planet..
Feminine Balance

But let us be clear, *while the influx of feminine energy is necessary to achieve energetic equity on the planet,* do not make the presumption that feminine energy is better than masculine, rather it is what is needed to balance the current overage of masculine.

In truth the ushering of the Crystalline Age raises the planet within that termed the 5th dimension to an initial accessible field of non gender in non- duality. You see crystalline energy is zero field.

Cynthia ©

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