Sunday 8 December 2013


Here is a new poem, read it in your best Scottish accent, ...... Beano
While you're a' wirin' in
An' naebody says, "Hey you up there
Could ye go a slug o' gin?
It's nae joke bein' a fairy
The job's beyond belief
You've got to go roon' the wean's beds
And lift their rotten teeth 
But o' a' the joabs a fairy gets
An' I've mentioned only some
The very worst is sitting up a tree
Wi' pine needles up yer bum 
When a' the fairies meet again
By the light of' the silvery moon
Ye can tell the Christmas fairies
They're the wans that canna sit doon
The Christmas tree's a bonny sight
As the firelight softly flickers
But think o' me A'm stuck up here
Wi' needles in ma knickers 
So soon as Christmas time's right by
An' A stop bein' sae full o' cheer
A'll get awa back tae Fairyland
An' A'll see yous a' next year. 

This poem was written by Frances Dunlop 1993

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