Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Fairy Legends

Fairy Legends

Where Fairies Dwell
Out beyond the Jewelled sky
there, where only dreams can fly
Far beyond the Milky Way
where the rainbows go to play
is the land, where Fairies dwell

Here where fairy tales are born
where the sacred oath is sworn
To do only pleasant things
is how a fairy earns her wings
Here was born, the Fairy Nell

Nell was not like all the rest
she with mischief had been blessed
While others did what should be done
Nell would always look for fun
in the land, where Fairies dwell

It usually happened in the spring
when Flower Fairies did their thing
Little Nell would cause a frown
by planting tulips upside down
in the land, where Fairies dwell

Or when a baby tooth fell out
and no Tooth Fairy was about
Nell sneaked in, and with her thumb
shoved the tooth back in the gum
In the land, where Fairies dwell 

But most of all she loved to see
her friends upon a Christmas tree
That’s when she puts in double shifts
changing labels on the gifts
in the land, where Fairies dwell

One day the Queen said that’s enough
I’m sick and tired of all this stuff
And all the trouble that it brings
I’m confiscating Nelly’s wings
but this didn't bother Nell

For now across the land she roams
accompanied by Elves and Gnomes 
Taking pleasure from the nights
by playing trick with Imps and Sprites
upon the land where Fairies dwell

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