Wednesday 11 December 2013

Merry Christmas My dear friends ~ From The Christmas Fairy Lady~

Happy Merry Christmas my friends and have a wonderful blissful new year.

The Christmas Fairy
bSchultz, Garnett Ann
The Christmas Fairy waves her wand
To make your dreams come true,
She plans a lovely Christmas tree
With wreaths and holly too,
Your Santa Claus would never come
Without this precious Miss,
Her magic sets your heart aglow
And brings such happiness. 
The Christmas Fairy takes the world 
And dresses it in white,
The loveliness of falling snow
To bring a child delight,
She lights a star on Christmas Eve
To shine both far and near,
And all throughout this won'drous land
She brings her Christmas cheer.
The Christmas Fairy sends her love
In gifts and toys and such,
And everywhere that sadness dwells
She adds her magic touch,
The Christmas spirit fill her heart
She's real if we believe,
The Christmas Fairy waves her wand
In gifts and toys and such,
And joins us Christmas Eve.

Peace, Love & Happiness,

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