Tuesday, 24 December 2013

The Christmas Fairy

The Christmas Fairy
The Christmas tree so bright, 
so many pretty colors,
sparkling in tinsel 
and glimmering from its decorations;
there it stands tall and straight.
But something is amiss, 
something clouded in memory,
something not tallying the balance.
I walk slowly around the tree,
examining all around, for what could be wrong.
I retire for the night on Christmas Eve
after taking another look at my magnificent tree
and again getting that feeling,
that something is amiss.
I shrug my shoulders as I snuggle under the covers.
As soon as my eyes are open
I am on my feet, 
it is time to open the presents.
Eagerly I make my way to the living room,
And lo and behold, what do I see?
There, on top of the Christmas tree,
dancing there is the prettiest sight,
flashing in a multitude of shades and hues,
the most beautiful fairy,
pirouetting and spinning around.
Like a little ballerina, she was.
A few seconds passed,
and in a blink of an eye she was gone
leaving in a shower of sparkly fairy dust 
which gently settled upon my head. 
But everything is as it should be.
I remembered the fairy 
on the Christmas tree.

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