Monday 3 February 2014

Little People Among the Flowers

Little People Among the Flowers


It must be 17 years ago. I promise you fully I had taken no drugs and was totally sober. My boyfriend at the time and I left a nightclub in Camden North London and decided to walk to Regents Park. It was high summer and the sunrise was already on the horizon. A while later, the sun had just fully risen as we walked past a flower bed. The flowers were tall, just below my knees.
I heard rustling. I turned to investigate and heard giggling. I stood agog as, Why would flowers giggle? Two small heads peeked around the last flower, one over the head of the other, as if the lower were crouching, looked at me, giggled and ran off back through the flowers. I took one step toward the flower bed, and decided against investigation.
I think I was in complete shock. I asked my beau if he had seen anything and he, of course, had seen nothing! I know what I saw and feel very privileged indeed!
I thought perhaps it had been another couple. They were male and female, but there was just no way they could have been human given the dimensions. I was very tired when this occurred, I'd been awake for 20 hours. It was as real to me as giving birth to my children. 

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