Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Fairy Goddesses

Fairy Goddesses


Aine is one of the Great Goddesses of Ireland. She is a Moon goddess, a Love goddess who encourages human-love, and the Fairy Queen of Munster. Aine (pronouced 'aw-ne') rules agriculture, fertility, crops, and animals. She was originally a Sun goddess who could take the form of a Lair Derg, a red mare that no one could outrun. It is possible that Aine and Grainne alternated as goddesses of the waning and waxing solar year, changing place at the solstices.
Aine's father, King Egobagal, is one of the Tuatha de Danann. Also called Aine Marine and Aine of Knockaine, she is associated with Dnoc Aine/Knockainy (Aineis Hill_ in Munster, and with Dun Aine (Dunany Point) in County Louth. People with the surname O'Corra are said to be her descendants.

There are several myths about Aine who some say was a mortal woman who was taken and enchanted by the fae. She possesses a magical ring that can reveal faeries. Aine liked humans and often mated with men, producing faery children. She once made a magickal vow to never sleep with a gray-haired man. Aine kept this vow even after her jealous sister Miluchrach used enchantment to turn her beloved Fionnis hair that color. She used magick to kill Aillil Olom, the King of Munster, when he tried to rape her.

There are several stories about how Aine came to marry Gerald, the Earl of Desmond. Gerald came across her bathing in a river and fell in love with her at first site. He stole her cloak and refused to return it until she agreed to marry him. In another version he found Aine combing her hair beside the river, and used her own cloak to capture her. In yet another version, Aine enchanted the Earl, who them married her.

In any case, they had a son, Geroid Iarla, Earl Fitzgerald, who was called The Magician. Gerald who was under a taboo to never show that he was surprised by anything their son did, but he broke his taboo by exclaiming loudly when Geroid jumped in and out of a bottle. The Magician then turned into a wild goose, and flew away. Disgusted with her human husband, Aine disappeared into Knock Aine. She is said to dwell there still, in a faery castle. Geroid is said to live beneath a lake, but will return one day to expel all foreigners from Ireland. Others say that Geroid rides forth every seven years, as a phantom upon a spectral white horse that is shod in silver shoes.

Invoke Aine for love spells, fertility, faery magick, abundance, prosperity, punishing sex crimes, keeping magickal vows, revealing faeries, bearing magickal children, and leaving unsuitable mates. The Sun and Moon are her planets, South West is her direction, and Air is her element. The red mare, rabbit, and swam are her sacred animals. Midsummer Eve (Summer solstice) is Aine's main feast day, when she is traditionally worshiped with torchlit processions through the fields at night. The first Friday, Saturday, and Sunday after Lughnassad (August 1) are also her sacred days. Some say that she claims a life at that time.

Airmed or Airmid is an Irish fairy goddess of witchcraft and herbal lore. She is Dian Cecht's daughter, one of the Tuatha de Danann, and helps him to protect his sacred healing spring. Airmed mourned so keenly when her brother Miach died that all the herbs of the world sprung from his grave while she tended it, and taught her their uses.

Invoke Airmed for fairy magick, Magickal herbalism, and Witchcraft. Earth is her element.

Caer (yew berry) is a beautiful fairy maiden of Connacht, Ireland. She lived in the guise of a swan, adorned with necklaces of golden chains and tinkling golden bells. Angus, the handsome God of Love, saw Caer in a dream and fell so in love with her that he became seriously ill.
According to one myth, when Angus finally learned who she was, he asked her father Ethal, one of the Tuatha De Danann if he could marry her. Etha replied that it was her decision, but that Angus could propose to her if he could pick her out of a flock of swans. On Samhain, Angus went to the Lake of the Dragonis Mouth, knew Caer immediately, and called out her name. He was instantly transformed into a swan, and they flew away together.

An alternate version of the myth has it that Angus had to get his own father, the Dagda to imprison Ethal in order to persuade him to give Caer to him in marraige. There is even another version in which it was Caer who enticed Angus to the lake, in order to change him into a swan. Caer and Angus are said to dwell happily as swans in the megalith of Brugh na Boinne, where they sing together beautifully.

Call upon Caer for transformation, fairy magick, and happy endings after difficult beginnings. Air and water are her elements, the swan her sacred animal.

Beautiful, lusty, Cliodna of the Fair Hair is the Irish goddess of beauty, the sea, and the afterlife. One of the Tuatha de Danann, she is Mannan's daughter and rules the Land of Promise, an other-world where there is no violence or death. Her name, which means "shapely one", is pronounced "klee-nah". It can also be spelled Cliodhna, Clidn, or Cleena. A fairy queen of Munster, she is said to be the daughter of Geban, the last druid in Ireland. Cliodna is associated with the coastline near Cork. Carrige Cliodna, in County Cork, is her sacred hill. Tonn Cliodna, the great wave of Cliodna, is mentioned in Irish mythology as being off the coast at Glandmore, in Country Cork.

Clidona has three magickal birds that heal the sick by singing to them sleep. She is the matron of waves, especially large waves and the ninth wave of every series of waves that brake the shore. Cliodna is the protectress of the O'Keefe family, who some say are her descendants.

When she assumes human form, Cliodna is the most beautiful woman on earth. She often taken mortal men for lovers but being loved by Cliodna can mean being loved to death, for if she takes them to the other-world they are never seen again.

There are many legends about her. Cliodna fell in love with a young human, Ciabhan of the Curling Lock, and she escaped from the other-world to be with him. They reached the shore of Ireland together. Ciabhan (pronouced Keevan) went hunting and Mannan, the Sea god, put Cliodna into an enchanted sleep and sent a wave that drew her back to the Land of Promise. There is another version of this legend where it is Cailleach, the Crone goddess, who sent her faeries to lull Cliodna into the enchanted sleep, and then sent the wave that drowned her.

Invoke Cliodna for beauty, Healing, faery magick, love spells, and life after death. Songbirds and sea birds are her sacred animals: nine is her number. A beach is the best place to call upon her, since she may take the form of a sea bird or a large wave. Another Celtic goddess strongly associated with water is Eri (see below).

Eri of the Golden Hair is an Irish fairy goddess, one of the Tuatha de Danaan. Bres, Brigid's consort, is her son. His father is Elatha, a handsome Fomorian King.

Eri and Elatha met at the seashore and were so struck by eachother's beauty that they immediately made love, despite the fact that their people were enemies.

According to some myths Eri was a virgin when they met, but other myth's say that she was married to another one of the Tuatha de Danann and allowed her fairy husband to assume that he was the father of Bres.

Finnine, or Fennel, is Aine's sister, a fairy goddess. She is associated with Cnoc Finnine (Finnine's Hill) in Munster, Ireland.

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