Sunday 20 April 2014

Believing in Fairies

Believing in Fairies

Do you believe in the Fairies?

Fairies on tiny wings
that flitter and flutter in the darkness of night.
Do they hover above,
with their twinkling, magical fairy dust,
to make your dreams come true?
Believe in the moment of wonderment,
in the stars and the moon above.
Believe in the magic of Fairies 
as they dance on the flowers,
And sing songs of love.
And if you just believe,
they will always stay true.
The Fairies will be there,
to watch over you! 
Few folk have seen a Fairy,
but I found this one for you.
If you believe with all your might
She'll make your dreams come true.
Come, I will show you the woods are full of fairies!
If you know but that which you seek,
The trees are alive:
The river overflows with them!
See how they dip and dive!
What funny little fellows!
What dainty little dears!
They dance and leap, and prance and peep,
And utter fairy cheers!
Here is the one I promised you...

---From the fairy lady---
Cynthia ©

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