Monday 7 April 2014

Land of the Fairies

Land of the Fairies

Come! Come with me to the land of the fairies! 
Come with me I will show you the way.
I will show you the way to fairy land.
You will see, it is not far away. 
 We just wait here for the rising moon 
shines over the dark sea at night 
And illuminates a shining silver pathway,
over the dark waters to the distant horizon..
The pathway shimmers and sparkles like diamonds. 
It is then that is the safest time to travel,
for the glimmering moonlight frightens away
 the darkness and whatever dark denizens it harbours within it. 
Then, if the power of darkness be about,
Thus will the silver moon thwart it's intention, 
And for you own protection
if you know a few simple words of a spell,
Then utter those words now to shield yourself. 
To cast this spell you must sit upon the hallowed forest floor and,    
if the night breeze blows right way, 
You shall be whisked away
on the currents of the ethereal wind.
then shall you inhale of the sweet aroma
and shall you see the beautiful land of the fairies,
of glittering colours so bright so shiny,
if blossoms and grass so fresh and new.

Written by Cynthia ©

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