Sunday 31 August 2014

Weaving the dream ~ Elementals

Hi dear friends and followers, welcome to my new poem Weaving the Dream I hope you enjoy the read it, Fantasies reality.    
Weaving the dream

To earth we came,
on solar wings we fly,
drifting down, 
like dandy lion seeds
our tiny wings a flutter
we came to land and sea
still and always
Our landfalls together
We who had sailed 
the vastness of
time for this moment
To sea.....
sinking we swim
To land...
they do land 

We are the seeders and weavers
from the sea land and air
We weave our dreams,
under the breath of the salty sea air
Water air and land alike,
are the dream weavers delight

Bright colors bloom
calmly blues, red rain,
and purple earth,
born of desultory gales.
we spread the seeds near and far
bright and dark,
in acquiescence
To air deep is the breaths
our drums beating in rhythm
to the birth of the dream.
Expanding to empty spaces - 
fully we illuminate with our love.
Contracting and expanding
we bring forth tongues of lightning
to touch the earth,

and awaken the dream deep within
Fire is added and the dream awakens.
It's flame billowing smoke of blue,
purple earth transforming green,
We seek ever close, not to touch
We are the care takers,
We are the weavers of life.
Our guide is love
We are the elemental

Composed by Cynthia ©
Thank you fore coming and reading this poem. Comments are very much welcomed  please share your thoughts with us

ڰۣ In Loving Light from the Fairy Lady ڰۣ

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