Holiday Reflections
By Linda Murdock
Thanksgiving comes but once a year.
It's a time when families gather near,
To reflect and give thanks for those we hold dear.
We celebrate Christmas with parties and food,
Spend time with family and that's all very good.
Soon it's all over and decorations are put away
And then we do it all again for the next holiday.
Look forward to the New Year and keep hope alive
That our country brings our troops home
So no one else dies;
Have faith things will get better,
Pray to God above,
That He will bless us and keep us
In His everlasting love.
Our country's in turmoil and it gives me a chill
We'll see better times soon. I know we will.
Please don't let worry get you down.
Smile, keep your chin up,
And laugh out loud!
We'll certainly survive hard times once more;
We have strength and resolve
we didn't know we had before.
Take them one at a time, and treasure each day.
We need to work together because that's the best way.
Don't let hatred determine the way that you act.
Instead, open your heart and don't blindly attack.
Make sure our country is the best it can be
Let's all work and me!
You're in the same fix as your fellow man;
We'll all feel better if we're holding hands!
Thank you again for droping to read this entry dear friends.
Please share your thoughts with us. have a great Saturday✿ ڰۣ❤In Loving Light from the Fairy Lady❤ڰۣ✿
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