Securing Fire
This legend has been told by two different storytellers sometime in the early 20th Century, thus we have two different versions that are rather similar. Both speak of animals in the same way that we speak of other people, so don't let that confuse you. There are no humans in these tales.
See if you can spot the similarities and differences between the Apache account of how the people got fire and how it came to other peoples.
Securing Fire
(First Version)
There were people living here on the earth. Coyote, birds, or hawks were all people. There was no fire. The only ones who had fire would not give it away. The others, many people, were without fire. Martens, living in the tops of tall pine trees, were the only ones who had fire but they would not give any of it away.
Those who were living below them consulted as to how they should get fire. They decided to play hide the ball and sent out invitations for everybody to come to the game. They gathered under the trees and shouted to the martens to come down and bring some fire. They said they were going to play hide the ball.
Securing Fire
(First Version)
Those who were living below them consulted as to how they should get fire. They decided to play hide the ball and sent out invitations for everybody to come to the game. They gathered under the trees and shouted to the martens to come down and bring some fire. They said they were going to play hide the ball.
They came down bringing the fire with them. They put wood on the fire at the camping place and stood around it in four lines so that there was no way anyone could run off with the fire. None of the people who didn't have fire were in the center of the circle.
Coyote, who was lying down some way off, said he would get the fire and run off with it. They were playing and having a good time. Those who owned the fire were winning. They began to dance.
Coyote had a torch prepared by tying bark under his tail. He got up and came to those who were dancing. "Have a good time, my cousins," he said. "My foot pains me. 'Dance for me. Separate and let me through to the fire." They were dancing and having a good time.
When it was nearly daylight, Coyote said, he was going to dance. He told the others to dance vigorously, bending their knees. He urged them to do this repeatedly. Finally, he danced and switched his tail into the fire. They called to him that his tail was likely to catch on fire. He assured them that it would not burn.
Then day broke. He stuck his tail in the fire again and it took fire. "Your tail is burning, cousin," they called to him. He jumped over the four lines of dancers who were in circles around the fire, and ran off. The people, who were stingy of their fire, ran after him.
Coyote became winded and could hardly run. The people who were chasing him caught him. Coyote passed the fire to Night Hawk who jumped on it and went with it. Those who were stingy of their fire tore Coyote's mouth. Night Hawk kept flying and jumping. Those who had the fire nearly caught him for he was exhausted. When those who were running after him caught him, he gave the fire to Road-runner who ran away with it. They tore Night Hawk's mouth open.
Road-runner ran on carrying the fire. Those who were pursuing him nearly overtook him. He was exhausted. When they caught him, he gave the fire to Buzzard who flew away with it. Those who were trying to recover their fire chased him until he was worn out. He gave the fire to Humming Bird. When they caught Buzzard they pulled the hair on his head out.
The people who had been without fire were now all supplied with it. They were happy about it and expressed their thanks to Coyote.
Securing Fire (Second Version)
They say long ago there was no fire. The people ate their food uncooked. There were only two men who had fire. They could see it in the tops of a very tall pine tree which stood there.
Coyote proposed that a large company of people be invited to come together for a dance. He also suggested that a letter be sent to those who had fire asking them to bring some as they wished to gamble with the guessing game.
Coyote told his companions to tie dry grass around his tail. When it was daybreak Coyote danced by himself. "I will dance over the fire," he said. "Your tail is afire," they called to him. "Why do you say my tail is burning?" he asked. "Your tail is burning," they called to him again. He went around the fire four times and then jumped over them. He ran away with the fire. Those who owned the fire ran after him and put out what fire they found. They caught Coyote after he had run a long distance and pulled out his nose so it is long and spread his mouth apart so it is wide.
Then another man was running away beyond with the fire. It was Night Hawk. They caught him after a long chase. They pushed the crown of his head down hard and spread his mouth open.
Another person was running with the fire. It was Turkey Buzzard. They caught him a long distance away and pulled the hair out of his head. He had given the fire to Humming Bird. A large mountain was standing in the distance. Fire was coming out from the top of this mountain. The people had been without fire but came to have plenty of it because of Coyote. The fire went inside of the trees and became plentiful.
✿ ڰۣ❤In Loving Light from the Fairy Lady❤ڰۣ✿

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