Friday, 31 May 2013

The child within

Being denied us our truth by those out there who force us to live their lie... How many lifetimes does it take to learn that wisdom is that which blows through on the cosmic winds of the quantum realities in infinity. These cosmic winds blow eternally in and out of the Oneness of consciousness. Restlessly moving through the Heavens with no beginning no end as it whispering it’s secretes to those who will listen for them?

To communicate on the same level as a child, one must first be able to think and feel like a child. Who would be better qualified to know this child more, inside and out, than the one who embraced this child within her own womb for the first nine months of it’s inception into the light of life?

I am a child of the Universe, in a place that does not know time and space. I am my own being, I am as much of all that is that can be contained within this vessel which is called a body, or the temple of Source.

I don't truly know if anyone presently living in this finite realty really knows all of the answers, or are even aware that there is more than meets the physical eye in this reality alone. I much doubt it, or at least not by way the conscious memory. I mean the potential is there, every being that walk the surface of Mother Gaea carry that seed within them.

Although no one knows for certain the full capability of the subconscious mind there are some fairly good indications that to a greater degree much more of our memory is stored in our subconscious mind. I do not believe that the physical mind is capable of containing all of the data within the Oneness of all that is, but we as one may come to know the oneness of all as one.

There are those who I would have to admit are truly more advanced in the awareness of their subconscious minds eye then others, or as some call it, the third eye. This inner knowing could be called **wisdom**, the opposite of unenlightened. In this way the experiencer becomes the experience, and the Oneness of all as the experiencers or thought which manifested or created the spheres within spheres the (quantum realities, or dimensions ad infinitum). And how far along are we on this journey of awareness?

Do we as spirit beings truly choose to loop back to a certain point along this time space continuum to be reborn into this time in this reality once more or could that be for as many times that a soul has or may have experienced life in how many realities since the Big Bang? As spirit beings we are assigned to undertake another mission through the vessel of reincarnation? How many lifetime memories does a soul contain?

We all experience our own varying personal levels of hell and heaven as we go through life in this reality until enough of the wisdom accumulates so that there comes time one can recognize the loops just by sensing which to avoid and which feels right. It is a learning and growing cycle that refines us to the best us we can be as we learn from the school of life.

My feelings is that Karma weaves it web by what ever one puts out to universe. This Karmic loop is, I believe to be, that whatever one puts out to universe will returned to them in an equal proportion.
It is those who will not learn from their turbulent, and contrarian existence who will end up getting caught in the repetitive loop of their own making to endure the same turbulent cycle unto them. It is of our own choosing. But then I am not the judge nor would I have any desire to be one.

If we can manifest our own hell, why not our own heaven?

Now, about these sensitivities: some say they are a curse while others call them a blessing or a gift. Why such a dichotomy?

As it is said visions are all in the eyes and mind of he or she who experiences the vision. And so it is with the experience of living. Thus it it is in the mind and heart and sensitivities of the experiencer shall we say. Positive thoughts can also equally bring positive results, or positive results from meticulous constructive planning and administration.

As we continue along our journey we learn much more about the mystery of our inner selves and our own potentials. We find many qualities within that we had no idea were ever there before. We can again begin to see through the eyes of a young child who sees everything as possible. Those same eyes can see with a limitless ability to bring healing and wisdom to an ailing world. The awakening into a much vaster consciousness. To touch the thoughts and feelings of others on the fabric of universe. We are all One within the oneness of Great Spirit. We have all originated from star dust, children of the stars.

Cynthia ©
Akashic Records on Orbs and Extraterrestrials

Will human beings ever be able to see extraterrestrials (ET’s)?

Yes. In fact you are already able to see beings from outside this world. “Beings” can be spiritual beings such as angels, so we will use the term “ET’s” to describe actual physical beings or physical manifestations of beings from outside this world. ET’s are currently visible to human beings. The question of whether or not you are able to see them or if you actually do see them depends on you. 

Some of you have a contract to work with extraterrestrial life or you have a contract to go through a lesson or personal growth process that will stem from an encounter with an extraterrestrial being. Those of you with these contracts are able to and will see ET’s at the times and in the ways that help you fulfill those contracts.

Many of you do not have these kinds of contracts and do not have any divine purpose for seeing ET’s. It would not serve you to see physical beings, though you will interact with them in the form of spirit. You do this often with angels and other spirit beings. Even if you have the physical ability to see ET’s, you will not see them and you will not cross paths with them unless your higher self determines that it will serve you to do so. In the same way, it is the very same function by which if you are not meant to meet a certain person in this life, you are not going to cross paths with that person. 

That being said, every one of you has the mechanical tools needed to be able to see ET’s. Anything that exists physically can be seen optically. But the human mind is brilliant at blocking things out. Many tests have been done to show that one might look at a picture and see something entirely different from what another person sees in the picture. Your vision depends on who you are and how your mind has trained itself to shut out certain information and notice other information. Some of you may actually have an encounter with a physical being from another planet but you do not remember it or you do not register it as real in your mind. Again, there is always a reason for what you experience in this life. Your minds are brilliant for protecting themselves from seeing things that you are not ready to see. Even if you have an encounter with an ET, if you are not ready to deal with the questions the encounter will raise for you about the nature of reality and what is possible in this world, then your mind will block it out. This function is actually a brilliant and very advanced mechanism you have in your minds to protect yourselves. 

When will First Contact occur? 

This idea of First Contact is one that has been created by people, and we are going to define it here because it has several definitions in your collective consciousness. For the purpose of this answer, First Contact as an event in which all of humanity comes to recognize the physical presence of ET’s on your planet. This is the kind of event that you have seen depicted in movies. It occurs when there are either enough ET’s present and physically seen, or there are enough people who have had encounters and there is enough evidential proof to kind of force the majority of humans to acknowledge the physical presence of extraterrestrials. 

There is no scheduled date for the version of First Contact, though it does not appear to be coming any time soon. First Contact will most likely occur not through a large singular event like a spaceship arriving in a massive way that can be documented on television. Instead it is most likely to continue to occur the way it has been occurring which is one by one, as each of you who has a contract to work with ET’s awakens to that contract either by having an encounter or by coming to recognize and honor the fact that ET’s have already been a part of your life. 

Your individual contacts with ET’s are beholden to the same rules and dynamics as your contacts with fellow human beings. ET’s can appear as humans or as something other than human. When you encounter an ET, it is only because your higher self and the highest part of that being have agreed to meet. There is always a reason based on your highest ultimate benefit, though that can sometimes come in the form of a challenging experience. 

Encounters with ET’s are most often for a benevolent purpose and many of you who have these contracts to work with ET’s will not suddenly meet an “alien.” Instead, you come to realize that some of the people who have been in your life were actually ET’s visiting you from outside this world. 

Encounters with ET’s, like human encounters, help you come into a new perspective about the meaning of your life, your relationships, and your choices. What you learn from relationships with ET’s, and ultimately the conclusion you should come to (as you would with any relationship whether it is with a regular human being or an extraterrestrial human being), is to realize a deeper sense of your own power and connection with love and light. Ultimately as a human being in any encounter, you are remembering and reclaiming your power to direct your life and to bring more light into the world. 

Again, it is possible for First Contact to occur as a singular, massive event. Right now, however, that is not the plan and therefore there is no timeline scheduled for it. It serves you best not to wait for First Contact, but instead to work in your sphere of influence to bring Love into the world.

Can you give us more information about spiritual orbs? They show up in photographs and some of us can sense their presence. Please tell us who they are, what they want, and what they are doing here.

This is more complex than many of you wish to believe. As we mentioned, many of you are awakening and coming to realize that there are different beings in this world that are not of this Earth. These beings are assisting humanity to evolve toward Love and Light. Sometimes they help by getting in your way, just like people do, but always it is assistance and it is always with your permission. 

These beings come in all kinds of different forms. They come in physical forms such as ET’s, but it is far more common for them to come in energetic forms. The energetic forms of beings in this world are incredibly numerous. There are angels, fairies, nature devas and nymphs; there are animal totems and ancestor spirits, spirit guides and protectors. There are so many variations of energetic beings and they are incredibly numerous. Most energetic beings who are here working as spirit guides for humanity, and many of you are awakening to their presence. 

This awakening involves redeveloping your six senses (yes, we mean six!) to enable you to interact with these beings in a more conscious way than you ever have before. You have already been interacting with angels and other spirit guides on a subconscious level. Unconsciously, you are constantly in communication with them helping to determine the safest way for you to learn your lessons, always leading you to the right place at the right time to fulfill your destiny. You are constantly in communication at a spirit level. 

The awakening that is happening through Enlightenment is bringing many of you to an expanded gift of sight. The connections between your physical eyes and your physical brain are being rewired to enable you to visually see more than you could before. Just like with any new form of sight, at the beginning, it is blurry. It is the way for an infant, and it occurs for you when you are learning to see something that was previously not visible to you. At the beginning those connections between your eyes and your brain are so basic that you cannot make out the subtle or even not-so-subtle differences between different beings that you are encountering. 

When human beings capture orbs on film or when you are able to see them or sense them in your presence, what you are seeing or sensing could be one of hundreds of different kinds of beings. It might be an angel, a fairy, a spirit animal, or countless other kind of being. What or who it is depends on what your soul has called to interact with you at that time. What you tend to see is a circular ball of light, because that is the message that your eye is capable of conveying to your brain and that your brain is capable of conceiving in response to what you see. That is the basic image that you are able to process at this beginning stage of expanding your sight. 

All of you, as you continue to expand your consciousness, utilize things like faith and intuition. You also utilize logic and reasoning to come to new conclusions about reality. You are going to further develop this connection between your eye and your brain that enables you to see more than you were able to see before. Many of you have done this already and many of you have even graduated to the next step. Some of you are able to see different outlines, colors, and shapes. Some of you are able to see the aura of energy around other human beings. Some of you can differentiate between different kinds of beings, and some of you are able to see the potential for what is to come. 

There are many things you are able to see, not just as visualization in your mind, but actually by using your physical eyes and your optic nerves. 

Most of you are at the beginning of building this new connection. In this stage, what you see are orbs. People would like to believe that orbs are a single category. That all orbs are the same kind of being, but actually orbs can be your way of seeing an angel or an animal spirit, or any other kind of energetic being. What you will see is an orb because that is what your eye is capable of registering. You will need to listen to your heart and listen to your intuition and use whatever clairvoyance you have to determine what kind of being is there and what message or what energy they are bringing for you. 

It is vitally important that you enjoy the period of time when you are seeing orbs. This is a magical new beginning, and the orbs are sign of your progress. They are cause for celebration, and the vision of orbs is meant to bring an experience of joy, love, and excitement. Do not strive to skip past this stage. Just as an infant is curious and delighted with the slow development of shapes and colors, allow yourself the same delight with what you see. Trust that your vision will develop further in perfect timing for you.

Ultimately this should be really fun. Those of you who can see orbs are at the forefront for humanity in developing this new technique. In the past it would have taken many generations for humans to evolve a new capacity for their eyes, but it is actually possible for all of you to develop this in the current generation. That is how quickly you all are moving now. Some of you will develop it more than others and there is no use for judgment. What you see will simply be a matter of what you have been called to do. Have fun! All of the beings you see as orbs are beneficial. They appear as light because they are a manifestation of Light and Love. Have fun, embrace the magic that they are bringing and enjoy this phase of infancy and the magic and mystery in it. It is a delightful time on Planet Earth!

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2008 All rights reserved.

The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith, M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Messages Previews provided that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed.
The Starseeds

If you have the ability to truly see, then the perception is never limited unless you put limits on it by your own choice. It can be quite amazing how much fear can keep one in a world of limited sight.

In the beginning there was only thought, then thought willed light in the dark void, this light was the birth of consciousness in creation. My theory is that even before and during the formation of the primordial soup of the early universe one would find all of the seeds of *thought* still remain in universe to this day, only just transforming from one form to another. All of the seeds of Source (thought) are all out there for all to see in the present universe and always will ad infinitum only perpetually transforming and changing it’s form. The seeds of all matter and energy and life = consciousness, “the living universe.”

Genesis 6 (New King James Version)

1 Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. 3 And the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive[a] with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” 4 There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

So then what is above so shall it be below, everywhere in all the multi verses? I believe that we are all one in consciousness and does it mater what body, planet, galaxy or universe we inhabit if we are all sentient enlightened beings all as one in spirit including the planet we stand upon? We are “ Star Seeds.” Wouldn’t it be so super if you could become as one with our twin sister/brother, two separate physical beings feeling, thinking, and experiencing life as one in consciousness. Not just empathicly but experientially.

To be as one, even on an empathic level is one of the greatest miracles that universe allows us if we so desire it. When I was a kid I may have been a loner and felt like a stranger in an alien land most times, but I was never alone. Even at my age I still have a very fruitful and vivid imagination, where I can create my own worlds and I can populate them with who ever and what ever I want. Who knows, maybe some day it will manifest for real in another reality.

It saddens me to see those many that are blinded by the illusion of materialism, false promises and lies that are imposed upon us to keep us from knowing the truth. A shroud of deception that hides the truth which lies within each of us.

World deception by the present world order. It is for us to discern this truth which is within us and embrace ourselves for who we are and to be always true to ourselves and not to succumb to the lies that confronts us every day as soon as we step out the door of our homes in the morning. Who are you? Look deeply within and you shall see the light of truth.

So just be what you feel is real to you, your own two spirited being, believe it and live it and it will manifest.


Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Manifesting a New World of Peace and Beauty

Manifesting a New World of Peace and Beauty
For many years we have prayed, hoped, and worked for the time of world peace.  All the way back from the dim past has world peace always evaded us.  Our faith and persistence have brought us to the doorstep of the better world many times only to find it falling apart around us once more.

Yet knowing that the odds are against us no matter how we play the cards, our spirit continues to strive to build a better world. Our faith, hopes, dreams, and our imaginations, love and compassion will always persevere against all odds. Those are the true gifts of the Creator that allow us to see how things really are and how they should be.

Using imagination is to me another manifestation of reality. Depending on how you perceive it, that is your reality. It's a place where you can be anything you want. You can be the witch of Pergonia, a fairy godmother or perhaps, a fairy, Dunes of Mars Warrior Princess, Captain Jack Sparrow, a princess of the dragon realm with her dragon named Archie, or how about a little mermaid in the watery paradise world of Jardon? 

Maybe you're an explorer traveling among the innumerable stars or Lady Priscilla of the Land of the Firebirds, walking arm in arm with a knight in shining armor in an enchanted forest. Or maybe a radiant Prince Charming that any girl would love to swoon in your arms after slaying the beast that would have her for lunch.

Who do you wish to be in any reality?  Will you be a warrior of light standing as a sentinel atop a mountain lighting the way for those that will follow?

Our light is as tiny sparkles in a boundless void of realities, like glowing plankton adrift in the ocean current; like fireflies playing tag in a dense forest in the darkness of night.  It is found in worlds of rapturous beauty painted with radiant colors the likes of which have never been seen in this present reality, sparkling falls of healing life energy, cascading down from towering, craggy mountains in a splendor of rippling multiple colors forming unbelievable eddies at the base of the mountains, there for us to enjoy!

We can ride on the tail of a comet among a kaleidoscope of brilliantly-hued star systems all around, like large glistening snow flakes on a winters day. The comet suddenly explodes into a multitude of colors like fireworks on the Fourth of July as you frolic about like an innocent child playing a never ending game of tag with your friends. You can be anything you want with imagination, a pencil, and some writing paper, or a note pad on your computer.

Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, what is waiting for you.

The Infinite Living Spirit of Source
In this reality in space and time is in constant motion and for as long as there is motion there will be space and time. What is energetically motionless, or static, and unseen in this reality, does not yet exist to our conscious mind. To our understanding, what we can perceive as motion in this sea of matter and energy of space and time we classify as reality. Thus until it is perceived by our senses it will continue to be non-existent. 

But then infinity is motionless and Source from whence all is born is infinite, as is the Oneness of all that is within Source. Therefore, consciousness is neither mass nor, energy, nor time, nor space, but yet if there were no consciousness before creation there wouldn’t be anything to conceive that would be before creation. What is now, and what will be, just like the cosmic building blocks, or the seeds which were required to create what is today and what will be tomorrow, were already a manifestation in the mind of Source before creation even took place, including however many generations it would take before your eye color would be what it is today or what type of cell phone you own.

Genetic manipulation? Yes, I believe so. We are “children of the stars”, or “starseeds” which ever you prefer. After all, even our home, mother Gaia, is a star seed. This entire planet was conceived in the mind of Source even before creation of Universe. It is but a grain of dust which originated from the galactic center and in turn all galaxies originate as grains of dust from the universal center. 

So then, it would seem to me that our entire being from the beginning at the galactic center until now, and all of the seeds that developed along the way to manifest all that is in creation, brings us up to the present day through the outcome of our own choice. 

What we are experiencing today is a result of a choice we made yesterday or years ago or even maybe in a previous life. Good, bad, or indifferent, it is what we have chosen. Some of these choices have created deep wounds that may not heal in millennium life times and some may back off as soon as they get “nipped by the ringer” so to speak, where one lesson is sufficient to seek a different method of manifesting what they need. But I do believe that all the choices we make were part of a process so that there really are no good or bad choices, they are all part of a learning curve. Choose well, choose intuitively from the heart, and not the chattering mind. Always see or feel from the heart to do that which is for the good of all.

Have you ever heard the expression, “touched by an angel?” Have you ever been touched by the spirit? I mean the spirit of universe. The Universe is a living entity, she feels, sees, hears, breathes, and is aware. All has spirit. The earth, rocks, plants, animals, people, the sun, the moon and the stars, we are all connected as one. This is why when you go out on a moonlit night you can feel the energy of nature and all that dwells within her. 

This is the time to pray for your mentors, angels, and spirit guides, to give guidance and to enlighten you to make the right decisions through your journey in this world.

Cynthia ©

Monday, 27 May 2013

The Age of Aquarious

I am adrift on the river of life
I float by the banks of the river observing life
I of a sudden jump unto the bank
Only to come back once again
to flow with the river of time

I float then I drift down into the water world
Only to rise and drift once again
As I turn to watch the river bank

I guide myself and those who wish to follow
in a desired direction that will bring them forth
but I cannot guide others who still remain on shore
I can only talk and sing to them
And show them how I navigate my own vessel upon
the river of life

I drift from one water course to another I drift.
Never fighting it, but being one with it’s rythm
and with all other elements about, the two legged,
the four legged, the fined ones, the winged ones
and the Great Mother herself,

It is wonderful, I am one with the river
and the Great Mother in Aquarious

By Cynthia

Saturday, 25 May 2013

A Fairy Friend

A Fairy Friend

Tiny fairy light dancing, dancing in the woods
They flitter and dance everywhere around and round me,
Enticing me to dance sing with them a merry little tune
And I will prance and dance a merry little dance with them
under the star filled sky and silvery moon above.

Whilst a little green fairy whistles her merry little tune
in tempo with the singing of the many colored fairies
sitting upon the branches above me casting their spells
of merriment and joy upon all within the magical forest
filled with sparkly fairy dust.
Together we dance the night in merriment and joy,
Dancing, dancing about until we're spent
Then we sit and sip the magic elixir of fairy tea,
We eat of the sweetness of fairy scones, and laugh blissfully;
Oh, little fairy, dance and sing with me till dawn,
Where the birds will twitter and the squirrels chirp,

Joy and magic fills the still morning air of the new day,
So, when a fun and spritely little fairy comes to play;

I hope you have a fairy friend, I have one. 

Cynthia ©

Friday, 24 May 2013

Mother Gaea

Some choose the negative energy for the simple reason is they feel it is easier to work with the darkness, a force they can understand. Better the devil you know then the one you don’t, so goes the saying, To these people It is a far more familiar environment than that of the light, an unknown element that most fear it, not necessarily because they are evil but because the light  is foreign to them. Yet they can not see the  light abounds all around us. All one  need do is to still the mind and allow the heart too feel it, see it, and embrace it, for it is the heart pulse and breath of Gaea.

The power that be, the fabric of universe is neither bad nor good, negative, or positive. The universal power is in perfect balance, in a static state of infinite potentialities to be born into being. It is when we connect into these forces and we make the choice to use these energies for good or evil, positive, or negative is when the static becomes kinetic energy. We are free will agents of choice and the super ego plays a good part on how and if we wisely or unwisely choose as to what to do with the energy channeled from the force that be (Spirit of Universe.

As for me, I am who I am, I pray and channel from source to guide me to do that which Source chooses for me. Just as I am a mother of three children, I am also a child of the Great mother, Gaea. It is just unfortunate that the children of Gaea can not see what they are doing to our Great Mother. How much pain can the mother endure, how many tears will she shed before she can not longer bare the pain. But Mother Gaea endures and continues to love her children, she weeps and she wait patiently.

She endures and she weeps but still continues to care for her children and her love for all of her children two legged, four legged, winged and fined remains undiminished. Peace love and harmony is the euphony of the spheres of infinity of multiverses.


Spirits In Nature - Gateways to the Sacred

A mystical journey for all ages, this documentary film explores all we know, both scientific and mythological about Faeries and in the process shows us Spirits in nature and the value of seeing with our imagination - and gives us permission to believe what we see.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Spirit of a Woman

Spirit of a Woman

We have lost our way to confusion and complication.

Simplicity or following the path of least resistance only exists
alongside magic dragons, fairies, and fairy princesses so some would have you believe.

Wisdom is both psychological and spiritual and is in harmony with the spheres of reality, true reality in the order and harmony of universe and not the **falsehoods and lies,** that they would want you to believe in this man made reality. One needs to reawaken and see the world through different eyes.

Eyes that are able to perceive the simplest of harmonies in nature, and to be aware of the elements around us, the same elements we live and share with the denizens of the wilderness which is the cradle of all living things.

You will feel emotions such as love and compassion to such depth and intensity like never before experienced,

It is a soul awakening which contains rivers of ardent tears of sorrow, as well as impassioned feelings of laughter, happiness and contentment.

No more shall this new light be mired by infusions of bewilderment and confusion as your heart will be at peace and tranquility will reign within.

Does true reality hidden in nature exist only in children's story books?

Mankind chooses to discard these wonderful gifts of nature in pursuit of the material things for which they will rape, pillage and slowly kill Mother Earth, the cradle of all life, for their own greedy needs of power and riches.

Your new living essence can embrace so much more beauty and bliss in this life just by being in harmony with our sisters and brothers, ensconced within the environment around you.

Love a child, help a needy, accept both nature and man into the bosom of your heart as though they were your child.

But first of all, be patient and enjoy the journey, for it is the experience of the journey, not the destination that is the most exciting and momentous part of life.


Sunday, 19 May 2013

In the Beginning

In this time of much sorrow and death, I find it appropriate timing to clarify something for the human race.  (Big words, I know, but I have a strong foundation)

An individual’s life is a constant quest to find their way back to the Light from which they came.  I am not talking about the Light of any doctrine.  I am talking about true Divinity.  See Divinity has always been everything.  I don’t think people grasp exactly how literally to take this.  There is the Light of Divinity and the Dark Divine.  They are two very equal sides.  In the beginning, or should I say, before the existence of Time.  For time is but a measure and I am speaking of measurelessness.  I don’t mean it is beyond measure, just that there is no point.  There is more beyond what I am about to explain, but let’s stay closer to home for now.

What could be termed the Divine Council created the Light of Divinity and the Dark Divine.  I use to see it as two spheres wrapped inside each other.  That was an inaccurate picture.  It is more like the infinity symbol.  On one side of the figure eight is the Light of Divinity.  On the other side is the Dark Divine.  The Council chose to put a pinpoint hole between the two and see what happened.  (Maybe I will remember that part in time.)  Since the Dark Divine is a vacuum, when the hole appeared the Light of Divinity was sucked into the Dark Divine.  (what’s really strange is that I can see this from the point of view of outside both, like I am watching a tiny experiment) 

Anyway, since then the race has been on.   Light swirled in Vacuum, except that the Light and the Vacuum both have cognizance.  It is all about frequency.  In a very sterile, cold, and logical wording, It is a Great Experiment of mixing Light and Dark cognizant frequencies and watching them dance.  Everything is this energy because the mere clashing of opposites slowed down the Light frequency and gave frequency to the Dark.  This is why neither side is destructible because no matter what you do to either side, you are only changing frequencies.  It still maintains the same Intelligence.
So when you manifest into this dimension, reality, planet (whatever you want to call it)  and you are in a form that cycles life and death, then what you are doing in life is just trying to figure out which frequency you came from.  Truly “evil” people are only living their lives to find their way back to whatever part of the Dark they came from. 

So it is with those whose Spirit is a slower frequency of Light.  You are only searching for which part of the Light frequency you are from.  This is why there are many religions and many different paths.  There are many frequencies of Light and not all resonate in total harmony.  If there were no dissonance in the song, the race would be ended and this Great Experiment would be at an end.  That is how Divinity can say “I am the beginning and the end”  because time is irrelevant to Divinity.  There was a beginning to be sure, there was even a before that, but I cannot explain that one in words…well, not yet, anyway.

So as these times increase in difficulty, remember that those who are lost in the cycle of death have only returned to the frequency from which they came.  They will return again in a different frequency to race the Great Race that is life. In the living universe
Original author unknown
What is Light
Frozen Light
The Radiance of Being
by Todd F. Eklof (08-31-03)

    According to the western religious tradition, the story of Creation begins with the words, “Let there be light,” implying that light is the first principle of creation; that nothing else can come into being until light permeates the universe. According to the findings of modern science, this notion doesn’t seem entirely inaccurate. It tells us, for instance, the universe began with an enormous explosion of light, commonly referred to as the Big Bang. This term, however is a little misleading since sound requires atmosphere to occur. To be sure, the universe was born in silence during an explosion of light, not of sound. If this spectacular explosion could have been witnessed, it would have appeared more like the quiet unfolding of a brilliant flower than like a bomb going off. As Matthew Fox writes, “In today’s creation story from science we learn that the universe began with a fireball that grew from a compressed light smaller than a pinprick to an expanding fire over 750,000 years.”1 In fact, since physicists have recently discovered the universe is still expanding, we might even say we ourselves are part of its blossoming in the continuing process of luminous creation.

    But to say the universe needed light before anything else could come into existence may seem overstated, unless, like any of us, the Creator simply needed to turn on the lights before getting to work. But light does much more than merely illuminate matter. It does more than just shed a little light on the subject, it is the subject! This concept is difficult to understand because we tend to think of light as energy and experience matter as something much more tangible. Yet Einstein showed us, with his famous formula, E=mc2, that matter and energy are the same and can easily be converted into each other the way fire turns wood into heat. E=mc2 is simply shorthand for saying energy is equal to matter when matter is multiplied by the speed of light squared. Physicist David Bohm once went so far as to say all matter is really “frozen light.”2 Despite the weight these names carry, however, the idea that matter, including our own bodies, is slow moving light is difficult for us to truly appreciate because we know light moves nearly 300,000 kilometers per second, and wonder how it could possibly slow down enough to become solid.

    In response to this, the speed of light, as Einstein noted, does appear to be the only constant in the universe. However, it is only constant when traveling through a vacuum. When passing through certain translucent materials, the speed of light is often slowed down. According to a recent article in Scientific America, “Water, for instance, slows light to about 75 percent of its velocity in a vacuum.”3 The article was written by Dr. Lene Hau, a Harvard physics professor whose research team began successfully slowing down the speed of light in March of 1998. By July of the same year they had it down to airplane speed, and a month later the group dropped the speed of light to 60 kilometers per hour, slower than a bicyclist. As if this isn’t remarkable enough, late last year they were able to completely stop light in its tracks!

    The group, at the Rowland Institute for Science, accomplished this amazing feat by trapping light inside a cigar shaped cloud of sodium atoms cooled to within one-billionth of a degree of absolute zero. The cloud was held in place with a powerful electromagnet inside a vacuum chamber. Slowing and stopping light in this way has many potential applications. The most immediate is information storage. Light can carry enormous amounts of information. By suspending its movement, the information inside it becomes stored. This could lead to the development of quantum computers faster at making computations than anything we can currently imagine. This technology may also give scientists a way to reproduce the affects black holes have on light by mimicking them in the laboratory. Just as black holes prevent light from leaving their gravitational pull, scientists can now prevent light from going anywhere. Perhaps the most intriguing potential application, and certainly the most far-fetched at this point, is the possibility of using this technology for teleportation. 

Like something out of Star Trek, it may become possible to imprint the electromagnetic field of an object into the memory of frozen light, then send it at its normal speed of 300,000 kilometers per second to another location where the object is reconstructed. Imagine if it becomes possible to copy this sort of information and send it to several locations at once! It may even become possible for people to duplicate themselves and send carbon copies all over the galaxy.

    Right now, however, much of this still seems highly unlikely, if not down right impossible. But if we accept the premise that all matter is really slow moving light, then the possibility of slowing light down long enough for us to climb aboard and catch a ride may one day be as common as catching a subway or train is today. More important than traveling at the speed of light, however, is the realization that light can be slowed down, even stopped, and, as physics is saying, we ourselves might be made out of such slow moving light. Our very cells, after all, are comprised of molecules made of atoms comprised of electrons, neutrons and protons. We are energy! Some physicists are even suggesting the atoms we are made of are mostly empty space filled with light that sometimes acts as matter, the same way it sometimes acts as waves, and sometimes as particles. We also know, through biofeedback experiments, that the brain emits electrical pulses. In addition, DNA, the program of life, emits a constant low frequency photon emission. In other words, life emits light. Life radiates!

    Matthew Fox reminds us that there are a billion particles of light for every particle of matter in the universe, making us very unique forms of light. “...we are amazed to learn how special matter is,” he writes, “what a rare gift it is to be flesh or matter, that is, slow-moving light. This is not just true of human flesh, but of all flesh, the oranges we eat and the tea we drink, the grasses and the animals, the birds and the stars¾are all slow moving light. Matter is light. It is very special light.”4 Author David Talbot writes similarly, “every cubic centimeter of empty space contains more energy than the total energy of all matter in the known universe!”5 Perhaps the pervasiveness of light is the reason so many of the world’s spiritual traditions intuit its sacredness. The ancient Egyptians worshipped Ra, the Sun god. In Jewish mysticism we have the Zohar, a sacred text whose name means, “radiance.” They also speak of Shekinah, the glory of God, which shines like a light on those who experience it. Christianity calls Christ “the light of the world.” The Eastern traditions seek enlightenment. In philosophy, wisdom is seen as light. Even in our ordinary language we often speak of ideas as brilliant and illuminating. We see the light and have light bulbs going off in our heads.

    Perhaps this reverence we have for light is more than just metaphor. Perhaps, as beings of light, with bodies of light, we realize, on some level, that light is everywhere in the universe and is itself responsible for all the forms creation takes. We also know that light sustains life by providing chemical energy to plants through photosynthesis, which, in turn, provides energy to other creatures. By connecting to our own role and responsibilities as beings of light, we may also learn the importance of harnessing the energy of light, through solar power, in order to operate our machines and technologies in a green clean manner. Again, as Fox suggests, “This is the practical application of solar awareness. Only sun energies are renewable and sustainable¾the time when humans ran their enterprises on fossil fuels is rapidly coming to a close. We must rediscover light or perish.”6

    The difference between our spiritual traditions and quantum physics, however, is that the latter doesn’t ask us to pursue enlightenment, it simply reminds us we are already illuminated beings. We don’t need to do anything but recognize it. As the Tao Te Ching says, “Use your own light and return to the source of light. This is called practicing eternity.”7 This is reminiscent of David Bohm’s theory that “the brain is a hologram enfolded in a holographic universe.”8 Holograms, of course, are created with light. To say the whole universe is holographic is only slightly different than saying it is made of light. In addition, just as each piece of a holographic plate contains the entire image, it may be, as beings of light in a holographic universe, each one of us is the complete image of the entire universe¾the whole contained within the gram. Therefore, none of us really need to become illuminated because we are already luminous beings. We don’t need enlightenment because we are light itself. Perhaps all we really need is to learn to radiate!

Monday, 13 May 2013

The Mists of Avalon 2001 - Completo - Legendado

Published on Nov 27, 2012

The Mists of Avalon (The Mists of Avalon, in the original) is an American film, Czech and German in 2001 made specifically for television, directed by Uli Edel and written based on The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley. The film was shown in the format of the mini channel Turner Network Television and leases occurred in Prague, capital of the Czech Republic.As Brumas de Avalon (The Mists of Avalon, no original) é um filme estadunidense, tcheco e alemão de 2001 feito especialmente para a televisão, dirigido por Uli Edel e com roteiro baseado em As Brumas de Avalon, de Marion Zimmer Bradley.O filme foi exibido no formato de minissérie pelo canal Turner Network Television e as locações ocorreram em Praga, capital da República Tcheca.


Anjelica Huston as Viviane 
Julianna Margulies as Morgana 
Joan Allen as Morgause 
Samantha Mathis as Guinevere 
Caroline Goodall as Igraine 
Edward Atterton as Rei Artur 
Michael Vartan as Lancelot 
Michael Byrne as Merlin 
Hans Matheson as Mordred 
Mark Lewis Jones as Uther 
Clive Russell as Gorlois

Edited by Sc@libur 2012
Claudio Cavalcante Cunha
Piracicaba-São Paulo-Brazil

Full movie

Saturday, 11 May 2013

To My sister Wendy


Intuition in the form of auto-writing ~ Channeling ~
Newton's Third Law gives us the
ability to wiggle an object at one spot and to have a corresponding
woggle take place a million miles away at the same time. 
According to this theory all animate and inanimate, energy and mass are all composed of the same particles and all are in synchronic motion no mater how many millions of miles apart.
So now we have established scientifically that all mater and energy vibrate synchronously. Basically energetically we can affect the physical psychically. We could communicate millions of miles apart through the very fabric of creation.
But if we did, as  dualistic as our world is it does not necessarily mean that this ability would be used for the betterment of mankind. Being free will agents and very much egoistic beings it is just as well that not all of us can tap into this field of energetic particles.
We each as individuals have to make the choice to use this energy for good, positive or for negative, wrong purposes. We are free agents of choice and ego plays a good part on how or what we decide to do with the energy channeled from the forces or fabric of universe Some researchers have labeled these forces as the God factor.
As for me, I seek the guidance from within me which is connected to the all consciousness. Prayer in this way for me would be comparable to using a cell phone, I dial the number then say what I need to say to the party on the other end then pause and ( meditate ) or like listening for what the party on the other end has to say in response. (Prayer and meditation.)
I don’t expect to hear a physical voice in my mind, If that were to happen I would not be wasting any time in going to consulting a psychiatrist. It comes to me very subtly, in the form of my own thoughts but not my thoughts it is more like in the form of (auto writing.) 
Love and Light
Cynthia ©

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

The Dragon's Talismam

The origin of the name “dragons”
by Marisa E. Martínez Pérsico

The dragons were represented throughout the time like great serpents or reptiles that have magical or spiritual qualities. The origin or etymology of the name comes from the Latin: draco, draconis, and its a term used to designate a mythological animal, although also it is called thus to a type of plant, because his flowers resemble a dragon head.
For analogy reasons, they also call dragon to a species of fish, a constellation and an infantry corps, because of the epaulets that are used by the soldiers and because of the painted or carved symbol in its standard which denominates itselfdragon.
Returning to these fantastic beings, in the western representations generally the creature is shown with wings, scale body and assigns them the capacity to breathe or send fire.
Eastern mythology habitually does not show them in this form. We do not know the origin of his physical aspect, although it’s believed that it was born spontaneously in different cultures of the world based freely on the aspect of a serpent and dinosaur.
Diverse cultures around the world have perceived them in different form. The Chinese and Eastern dragons consider them benevolent, whereas the European dragons are usually malevolent (although there are exceptions to these rules). The malignant dragons are also in other cultures and in Persian mythology - for example, Azhi Dahaka - .
Often, the dragons present/display an important spiritual meaning. In East it is venerated like symbol of the forces of the nature and the universe. Often it is associated with wisdom and longevity; in the Korean legend, Chinese and Japanese one confers magical powers and positive supernatural energy to them.
In some cultures they attribute them the gift of the word and human qualities. They are extremely popular animals in dinner services, Literature and videos, especially in role playing games.

The Dragon's Talisman
I had a mission, one whereby I had been informed would be in formidable and dangerous country, of which to a greater degree had never before been explored let alone mapped by any mortal human. Nor had it ever been entered by any of the mystical beings in the Land of the Faie.

My mission was to enter the Kingdom of the Dragons and traverse its torturous landscape into the mountains where I was told I would find a talisman, a large, round, silvery talisman that shone in the darkness of night like the full moon at midnight. This talisman was the only thing that could save the Land of the Faie from impending doom.

I followed a paths that meandered along the edge of a precipitous cliff whose bottom lay obscured by a thick, swirling, churning fog.  

The path at first led gradually downward toward the ominous fog below. As I walked further on I found that the declining path grew steeper and the footing more unstable. Sometimes my feet would slip and I had to stop as I watched the dislodged stones and dirt avalanche down over the edge of the path. My heart beat faster as I forced myself to continue the climb downwards at an ever increasing incline. 

Suddenly my right foot hit loose dirt and this time I lost my balance. I went down falling hard on my back, nearly knocking my breath out. I felt myself sliding down and sideways to my right towards the edge of the trail and the precipice below. I reached out with my right hand in a desperate attempt at preventing my further sliding and felt a searing hotness in the palm of my hand as that of a flame and then nothing more as my hand dangled in the empty air. 

My downwards slide stopped suddenly as I felt a tug on my cloak from behind me. I rolled away backwards and sat gasping for air with my back pressed against the rock wall behind me.

The air lay hot, thick, and moist around me and felt like I was going to suffocate. I was slowly losing consciousness. 

When I came to I could dimly see through my half-closed eyes a red glow all about me. I sensexd a hot steam air and had a burning stinging pain shooting through my right hand. I thought surely I had died and was in hell. My eyes fluttered open and continued to do so until my vision cleared enough so I could make out my surroundings. I was lying on a pile of furs and hides in a cave. There was a fire flickering at the center, but no sign of anyone except me. I asked myself how I got here, on these skins, by a fire.  I had not been told of any type of humanoid beings living in this tortured land.

A scraping of feet coming from the open entrance to the cave was the first clue. I turned to look at whom or what manner of creature it might be, ready to give battle. But then I though if they or it had intended to do me any harm they could have just left me go over the edge of the  precipice. Maybe I was saved by cannibals and I was asked for supper! 

The scraping feet belonged to a small form, around three feet tall, with waist-length hair, wearing only a loincloth, and showing bare female breasts, but any other resemblance to humans ended there. I knew that there were elfin folk in the Land of the Faie but none looked like this one.  
Sitting upright, I felt a stinging pain in my right hand that shot up my arm like hot coals when I moved it. In this position I vigilantly watched this imp like creature, ready to dart for the cave entrance at the slightest sign aggression towards me.  

It just continued from the cave entrance in an unhurried, shuffling gait towards the fire where it threw on a few more sticks, then shuffled towards the opposite side of the cave where it sat watching me. Its eyes glowed in the semi-darkness of the cave illuminated by  the fire light. 

Looking down at my right hand I noticed that it had been wrapped in some kind of plant leaf. I thought to myself then this should rule out cannibalism  Why would a cannibal bother doctoring up it's prey before eating it? 

The creature leaned to it's side an untied a hide bag, set it in front of her, and rummaged around in it, pulling out something that it found edible and took a bite of it. Then she got up and shuffled her way over to me and offered me what appeared to be dried meat, like jerky. She gestured adamantly for me to take her offering. At first I chewed on the jerky, tentatively tasting it. It had a rather pleasant taste and discovering that l was ravenous and I ate without further reluctance. 

After the meal was done she extended her hand towards me, motioning towards my right hand. I extended my right hand to her and she took it in her left and and very gently unwrapped the leaf bandage from around it. It looked awful as a lot of the skin had been torn off. She cleaned it off with water and a soft leafy substance then proceeded to re-wrap it with another leaf bandage. She motioned for me to get to my feet and I complied as she walked me to the cave entrance. I was awed at the scene that greeted me. I was no longer on the trail up on the high mountain trail I had been making way down from to the valley that had been obscured by thick swirling fog. We were still on the cliff side but on a wide shelf over looking a very lush green jungle like forest. The entire valley lay under a high vaulted stone ceiling which was so large that it just faded into a haze above.
I had no doubt that we were in some sort of subterranean world as I could see part of the vaulted ceiling on either side of us as we made our way down to valley floor. above me it was like bright daylight even though it was overcast with what appeared to be clouds. I could not tell where the light was coming from above because of the perpetual overcast  sky above that did not  appear to dissipate the light. The air was hot and humid but not really unbearably so but any physical exertion left one drenched with sweat and exhausted after traveling a short distance. 

One just wore as little clothes as possible to compensate for this humid hot environment. Unaware I did, I had stopped momentarily to take in the fantastic view when I felt a nudge on my arm. I turned to see my companion motions for me to follow her. We had learned to communicate somewhat in a rudimentary sign language or making drawings with a stick in the sand. The days passed and my hand healed. I don't know what kind of poultice she had used with the leaf bandages but it had a faster healing effect then anything I know of. After my hand healed we began our search for the location of the dragon talisman together. Sign language and pictures are worth a million words at times, especially when asking help from creatures strange to you. 

We were walking along a forest path when my companion, whom I began to call “Dee,” grabbed my arm and pulled me back in a jerk that almost caused me to lose my balance. She pointed at the ground at what appeared to be a large rock and motioned for me to back away from it, slowly. It did not take long for me to find out why. 

A large bird with feathers on its body but leathery, featherless wings landed near what I saw as a large rock. The “rock” opened with huge petal-like structures for sides, almost like a morning glory in early morning sunlight. Something shot out from its center, lightning fast, and wrapped itself around the bird and just as fast retreated back into the bloom that had just opened, then closed up again and once more took on the shape of what appeared to be just a large rock. Were it not for Dee's intervention I might have become its next source of sustenance. It's not easy to explain emotions like fear and gratitude in sign language but I tried to tell Dee why I was shaking and that I appreciated her stopping me.

After gathering my wits we moved on down the trail, my eyes on everything that looked like the rock-plant. Not far below us lay a beautiful pristine aqua colored lake with the most inviting water I can recall seeing. When we got to the edge of the lake I saw a dugout canoe beached on the shore.

I asked Dee if I could go in the water and she signed for me to swim, but as I went into the lake she pulled on my arm, indicating for me to stay close to the shore. I nodded my head in agreement as I had no desire to find out what sort of demons may be lurking in the deeper water. It felt like heaven after that long trek down from home cave.

I had asked Dee if I could go in the water and she signed for me to swim, but as I began to go into the lake she pulled on my arm, indicating for me to stay close to the shore. I nodded my head in agreement as I had no desire to find out what sort of demons may be lurking in the deeper water. It felt like heaven after that long trek down from home cave.

I felt so much more refreshed but feeling refreshed is something of a rarity in this land I discovered. I was just as drenched with sweat once more as we struggled to pull the heavy dugout off shore and into the water. After throwing our hide back packs in the bottom of the dugout she handed me a crude paddle; then she took one and indicated the direction for us to paddle towards, which was a wide channel between two upward curving cliffs. There was no wind, not even a breeze in this underworld, only some odd screeching sounds in the distance from some creatures I did not really have any desire to meet and the sound of our paddles on the water.

There was no night here, only daylight. No sunset, no sunrise, no night, just the steady daylight whose source was above the perpetual clouds that didn't diminish in brightness. The channel ahead grew narrower as we made our way around a bend to the left of a steeply curved rock wall. One could easily get disoriented in this place so I left the navigating to Dee in the hope that she knew the territory. At this point I was hoping she understood enough about the map I had shown her that she knew the destination I wished to go to.

We paddled a short distance in the narrowing channel when she stopped and put her paddle across the bow of the dugout and pointed to a place on the shore downstream. I nodded my head in agreement and we resumed rowing in that direction. Suddenly the water started to boil and churn all around us. In a great burst and spray of water something huge loomed up out of the river, increasing in height to about that of a very tall tree, as tall as twenty men!

First I saw wide, featherless wings appear from the water. Then the rest of the purple-scaled dragon surfaced. It shimmered so in the light thus diffusing its appearance so it became nearly invisible to my eyes. Then its scales glinted in the light, much like quicksilver and once again we could see it clearly as it turned its huge head towards us. Its maw opened, exposing two rows of large pointy teeth. It drew its head back and let out a deafening screech, which I immediately identified as the source of the screeching I had heard earlier from a distance. The screeching sound was immediately followed by a blast of hot air that capsized our dugout. I held onto the upturned dugout as I watched in amazement as the creature flew out of the water and seemed to just simply disappear in mid-air.

Dee pointed urgently at the hide sacks we had with our provisions as they floated away from us. I reacted automatically collecting as many of the bags as I could get to within reach. By the time I had swum to the shore I was drained as I coughed till I emptied my stomach. I fell to my side and just lay just concentrating on regaining control of my breathing.

At some point I must have drifted off into and awakened with a start when I felt a tug on my arm.  We climbed up a trail cut into the side of the curving cliff which appeared to fade into nothingness in the distance.  The cavernous world grew narrower as we followed a path which abruptly came to an end . It appeared that the path we had followed had at some point been broken off by a landslide which left a huge cavity in the rock that arched overhead. There was no way around it. We had to back track. Dee again shook my arm and pointed down over the edge of the path to someplace below us. 

I looked down to see what she pointed at. Not more than a few dozen feet below us lay a piece of stalactite that had fallen from the ceiling of the immense cavern and had become wedged between the edge of the stone wall we stood upon and the cliff with a craggy top on the other side.

She started to climb down and motioned for me to follow. I shook my head vigorously indicating to her there was no way I was climbing that nearly vertical wall of rock. In the end I followed her reluctantly, praying that I would see the end of this day still breathing and alive.

As we approached the center of the fallen stalactite we stopped dead in out tracks, hearing a loud, groaning, grinding sound that accompanied a movement under our feet. Then all fell silent once again. I released my held breath in relief. We made it across without further complications.

On arriving on the other side ahead of us we saw a path that followed the edged of the craggy cliff in a winding pattern 

Upon arriving on the other side we saw a path that followed the edge of the craggy cliff in a winding pattern. Dee motioned for me to sit and stay in one place, cautioning me not to go anywhere while she went ahead to scout. I waited for what seemed like a very long time and I began to worry something may have happened to her.

It was silent except for the screeching of the mighty dragons in the distance. I thought that somehow their scales reflected light like tiny mirrors and this was what made then appear to be invisible. If you didn't hear the flapping of their mighty wings you would not know of their proximity until they were right on top of you. The quicksilver effect of their scales failed to hide their bulk when close-up.

  I was waiting for Dee when I heard a rustling in some bushes about fifteen paces away from me. I jumped to my feet holding the stone-pointed spear that Dee had given me before she left. Pulling it back with my feet planted, I was ready to let fly at whatever was making the noise. Dee had taught me to shoot only after getting a clear look at my target, so I waited, poised to send it a stone-tipped message. A missed throw could and quite possibly cost me my life.

More rustling of the bushes and this time I saw movement. Muscles tensed as I readied to throw the spear. My patience was rewarded as I saw Dee's form taking shape from within the bushes as she came, dragging something behind her. I almost collapsed with relief.

Dee pulled a fair-sized, furry animal out of the bushes and into the clearing. Dropping her hold of its hindquarters she fell in a sitting position on top of the carcass, her chest heaving, gasping for breath.

Later that evening we sat before the fire with our stomachs filled to capacity. It was the most we had eaten in days. After a good rest we moved on once again. I could now see the craggy peaks of our destination. This time it was my turn to pull on Dee's arm to indicate I wanted her to halt our winding trek around the craggy edge of the cliff. “Dee, look! Look!”, I shouted as I pointed to the rugged landscape in the distance and patted the map tucked in my hide belt. She shook her head to tell me that she understood that the place in the distance was the place on the map. We resumed making our way  through the crags.

As we made our way around the narrow path I was in awe at the view before us. From this vantage point we were high up enough on the cliff wall that we could see the entire immensity of the cavern. Below us was a slim, silvery ribbon of a river snaking its way along the bottom between the great canyon walls. And we could also see faintly the high, vaulted ceiling of the cavern for the first time since I got here. The light was coming from the cavern roof, like the rock itself glowed with a bright yellowish-white light.

 I stopped momentarily in wonderment at this phenomenon. What would cause the rock to glow like that? It wasn't any type of volcanic activity or it would have been much hotter in here then it was. I had already attributed the humid hot air to being geothermal heating but this could not be from above us it would have to be from below us where the center of gravity from the earths core.

There was a aloud crash I turned quickly towards the sound, spear in hand, not knowing what to expect. A large creature came crashing out of the bushes at that very instant! Dee leaped forward, stabbing at the creature with her spear.  The spear glanced off its thick hide. At the same time in one motion Dee stepped sideways letting the beast rush past her as it charged forward in my direction. I  planted my feet in a battle stance and held my spear before me at shoulder height and waited for the impact.  When the beast was within just a few feet before me I lunged the spear  forward straight for its gaping jaws. 

Impact! I flew backwards and landed on my back as the spear slid violently out of my hands. I heard a loud screech and thought surely I had seen my last day upon this world. I covered my eyes with my right arm as I heard another loud thump. Removing my arm from before my eyes I sat up abruptly expecting the sharp pain of the creatures teeth piercing my body. As the dust settled I saw the beast lay sprawled  on it's side just a couple of feet from me.  It was in it's death throes. The spear had pierced  through its right eye.    

Roasted “whateverbeast” over an open flame was the best meal we had in several days since Dee's last kill. Dee took a wooden bowl out of her pack, made a tea out of some leaves, and set the wooden bowl over the flame to brew the tea. Now I had actually witnessed what I had only heard about, that one can boil water in a wooden container without burning through the wood for as long as there was liquid in it.

The tea was tangy and earthy but went down well after the meal we had just partaken of. Shortly after that we unrolled some furs for sleeping mats and almost instantly Dee was fast asleep. She had surely earned it. I took first watch by default. I was tired myself but only too glad to give her a chance to rest after all that she had done that day. After a time she awoke and it was my turn to rest. It took me a bit of tossing and turning before I finally started to drift off as I held onto my spear. I found it hard to go to sleep in bright daylight, and with all the strange beasts wandering about I felt uneasy about the possibility of ending up being some creature's lunch while I slept.

I woke up with a start, sitting up with spear in hand when I felt something touching my shoulder. It was Dee, she had already rolled up her sleeping mat and had her pack on her back. She pointed towards the craggy promontory which was looming over the horizon, our destination. We would be at its foot before the end of another day's walk, I thought. I was anxious to reach our destination but at the same time, I had goose bumps everywhere as I felt shivers go through me. What would be awaiting us there, I wondered. I rolled up my pack and we moved on. 

We had finally arrived at the foot of the craggy promontory. Dropping our packs wearily we sat on the mossy ground. Before long I lay back looking up at cavernous arch above us mostly obscured by a constant cloud like hazy yellowish blue mist. I still pondered on this phenomenon. As I had already established earlier the heat source of the caverns was geothermal from below and not from above. The light source above was baffling to me as it did not give off any heat that I could detect.

I turned my thoughts to the more immediate task that lay ahead of us. Now that we had arrived at our destination we would be locating the exact area to look for the dragon's talisman. Dee broke into my train of thought almost as though she had read my mind. "Yet!," she said loudly and a bit excitedly. “Yet” was the closest she had come to pronouncing my name, Yeta. "Yet come, see." She had picked up how to speak my language much more rapidly then I had hers. Hers was more of guttural language which made hard to learn in words. "Come here, Yet," she said pointing a short distance towards the rough cliff edge of the craggy peak. I followed closely behind her. One thing I had learned was to never stay behind alone again. In this land one kept close to their guide at all times.

"Here, here, this way." She pointed ahead of us as we walked a few paces more following the cliff edge. Then she stopped and moved the tall grass aside with her foot and pointed down. Between the tall tufts of grass lay flat stones laid side by side. It was man-made walkway. I got down on my knees and spread more of the grass aside. It was a stone walkway. "Did your people build this?," I asked. Dee shook her head and said, "No, not need walk ways." This meant only one thing: there once had been an advanced people that lived here.

As exhausted as I was from the long walk I felt a resurgence of energy and was anxious and ready right there and then to follow the stone walkway to its destination. I began to follow it when Dee halted me and said, "No, not now, Yet; rest first, then go." Reluctantly I turned and followed her back to where we had left our packs. I lay on my fur mat as I watched Dee weaving a crude rope from the tall grass that grew around the stone walkway. "What's the rope for?" I asked. She responded, "Me not know, just have feeling."

The morning came but time here was a matter of adjusting ones own inner biological clock. When the body became too weary to go on and our stomachs were grumbling for sustenance we knew it was time to take nourishment and to rest. That was what I call our night. Whenever we awoke from that sleep was our morning.

I was up and had my back pack on with a coil of Dee's home made rope draped over my right shoulder as did Dee and we headed for the stone path. The path followed closely around the edge of the cliff face of the promontory. There was actually a very thick jungle forest to the left of us which at time threatened to block our passage but always widened out just enough for us to pass. The heavy stone slabs of the path appeared to be keeping the jungle from completely choking off the passage.

As the path widened into a clearing, Dee was the first to spot something that didn't appear to be part of the natural landscape. Above the tree line was what looked to be columnar shapes overgrown by weeds and ivy with wide flat gaps that were too evenly spaced between the columns to be natural. As we drew closer my suspicions were confirmed. It was a structure, one that had sat for a very long time and had been over grown with the flora of the jungle floor.

We walked around one section of a partial wall overgrown with weeds. Dee spoke, "Yet, me not feel right this place. Never see before."

"I did Dee, but was in another place far from here, in the above world." I pointed towards the domed ceiling above us.

"What is above world like?," Dee asked.

"Well, Dee, I don't think you would like it there" I responded. Dee had been lying in the grass on her back and she rolled to her right side and propped her chin in the palm of her right hand and asked, "Why you say that, Yet? Is bad place?"

I responded, in many ways the place above is worse than all the bad beasts in this world put together. “I think I would sooner live here with all the beasts than go back up there. I would sooner stay in Fairy Land."

“Tell me about Fairy Land, what is like there?," Dee asked, her curiosity piqued. “Dee not go past big hole. Not know why, but not go.”

A thought occurred to me. It was one that had crossed my mind several times during our journey but I had neglected to ask Dee about it. I could no longer hold it back. "Where are your people, Dee?" Her hand came out from under her chin and she pushed herself into a sitting position.

"They are far from away, on the other side of the big land," Dee responded. She hesitated for a while tracing something in the sand, then called me to come over and look. She had drawn a simple circle with a line cross it down the middle. She pointed to the half of the circle closest the them and said. "That is here, the bad land" Dee go into bad land, people send her away,” Dee explained.

"Why?," I asked.

"Evil spirits come back with Dee.” She looked at me with a trace of sadness and loneliness in her eyes
Suddenly Dee gets to her feet and lugs the hide back pack onto her back and puts her coil of rope over her right shoulder picks up he lance in one smooth swipe and says, "come on yet, the day is wearing on" as she forces a smile on her face. I felt a sting of hurt and it was difficult for me to sham a smile in return. 

Coming around a corner of the ancient stone structure we found ourselves on a stone causeway between stone ruins. The ruins reminded me very much of the Mayan's no sooner did that thought come to mind we found ourselves standing before a large stone stepped pyramid, like layered cake  with the upper tip missing or was built with a flat top. At the end of the causeway there was a dark foreboding entrance that lead inside the layered pyramid.

Inside was a large chamber, even the shuffling of our mocasined feet could be heard echoing from the walls of the chamber. Dee stopped dead in her tracks and motioned with her left hand for me to stop. I to thought I had heard something that was not the echo from our shuffling feet. We both heard it again, a scratching sound on the far end of the chamber. Dee lit a torch and held it up high better to see farther ahead. Ahead was a large pile of ruble where part of the roof and the wall on the right side of the chamber had fallen in. Nothing else stirred or could be seen. e continued forward more cautiously lances at hand ready to be used if necessary.  

According to the map all it showed was two square chambers it had no mention of a pyramid, the Dragon's Talisman was contained in the second chamber which would be past the pile of ruble 
As we made our way around the rubble there we saw another entrancement into the next chamber as we started through the the heavily ornamented entrance something brushed against my face and I screamed. The sound of my scream echoed and reechoed back and forth around both chambers. I stopped in my tracks as Dee held the torch up to see what had happened. I had walked face first right into a very large spiders web. Relieved we both released our tense hold on our lances and laughed till tears ran down our cheeks.

Another very loud sound came from the opposite end of the dark chamber  I felt my skin crawl in fear.  Dee once again held up the torch just in time to see a silver dragon charging right for us. I knew the drill in the possibility of such an event. Split up and run in opposite direction and I also now knew why Dee had spent most of a day to weave the two ropes. This creature we did not want dead. We ran in opposite direction each holding one end of the same rope and braced our selves holding the rope taut. 

The dragon being such a large animal could not stop that quickly so it's momentum carried it into the rope and continued pulling us along with it as our feet slid across the chamber floor trying to halt it's forward motion. Loosing our balance we fell and were dragged along but kept on holding to the rope. The dragon by now had it's feet well entangled in the rope and also lost it's balance and fell like a great old oak in a cloud of dust shaking the chamber floor as it landed quite hard on it's chin and neck and just about flipped over on it's back.   

Dee and I sat across the chamber floor from one another catching our breath and watching the Dragon that laid still between us, out cold. Dee got to her feet hurriedly and tool the other coil of rope from her right shoulder  and threw one end over the still body of the dragon shouting, "tie around! Tie around!" She didn't have to draw me a picture to know what she meant. There was no time to be wasted, the dragon could come to at any minute. Getting  the rope around the beast wasn't easy, we both had to push it over the one end of the rope so we could tie it around it's torso and wings. We managed to wrap the rope around it twice then tied the two ends together.

We the set about to look for the legendary dragon's talisman. The map made no mention of what or where the the talisman would be located. Dee lit a torch and we made our way around the large chamber. We came to alcove in the wall and both stopped suddenly nearly running into one another.  Dee held the torch into the alcove to see what lay in the dark shadows. At the far end there was like a statue standing upright. We advanced slowly keeping our eyes opened for any movement in the shadows along the walls leading to the statue. It looked like an ancient and very dusty sarcophagus much like the Egyptian ones I had seen back home, except shaped much different then what would have been made to contain a human body.   

It took much chipping and prying with the only implement we had: a wooden handled dagger I had fashioned for myself before leaving the land of the fairies. Being as careful as I could so as not to break the blade I pried all along the seam of what appeared to be the lid of the container. I felt something move and told Dee to stick the end of her stone spear into the crack to keep it from fully closing as I worked my way along the lid's seam once again. Then there was small grinding sound. I held the dagger still and stuck the end on my stone spear in the crack next to the dagger blade.
Dee and I managed to slide the cover at about an inch from the rest of weirdly shaped sarcophagus when finally it released and crashed in a loud explosion, raising a cloud of dust and shards from the chamber floor, immediately followed by a wall-shaking screech. The dragon we had trussed-up was now awake! We hoped the home made ropes would hold.

Inside the sarcophagus was a mummified creature unknown to me. The whatever-it-was was a larger but squat being, shorter in height than I at 5' 4" tall, very ape like, but the jaw structure looked more like a meat eater having carnivorous, reptilian teeth, more than any human jaw.

"The dragon's talisman!" I shouted and pointed for Dee to see, then I stood shuddering at the thoughts of what I had to do to get to the talisman. It was hanging around that horrid thing's neck.

On the heels of that we heard another loud screech and some thumping sounds, then another screech and steady, hard, thumping sounds like the running feet of a dragon.

Dee held up the torch just in time to see the dragon coming around the pile of rubble headed right straight for us. I looked at the talisman, then back at the dragon and I knew what I had to do!

I took hold of the chain on both sides of it's neck, closed my eyes, and gave the hardest pull I could muster to get the talisman free from the neck of the mummy. Stumbling backwards, I open my eyes to see something that reminded me of a basketball bouncing across the floor. As realization hit home I gulped hard and turned away without another look. I then turned swiftly towards the charging dragon who was right upon us by now. I closed my eyes once more and held up the talisman by the chains

It was as I had suspected! I breathed in relief that, “Whoever possesses the talisman is the master of the dragon.” Anyway it was the only odds I had left when one has a dragon just about to eat them as the only outcome.

I was thinking about the beast in the sarcophagus that may very well have been one of the prior owners of the dragon. "Well I'll be darned, Dee, this is the best quick thinking I've ever done," I said, grinning. Dee burst out laughing, clapping and dancing all at the same time. There was pride in her, too and I could feel that. It was the happiest I had seen her since we had started this trip.

That night was a good night as Dee was cooking a steak of some variety for supper. The pleasant scent of her herbal tea filled the air around me and my new-found servant, the dragon, who lay with his head beside me looking at the flickering flames of the camp fire. My last thoughts that night, well night with never-ending daylight, were of safety and security. I never slept so soundly knowing we had a protector now, then thinking that we're going home. I smiled as I drifted off.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Back in the land of the fairies things had deteriorated and Shellwa (I guess one could call her the mother of the people, not hierarchically, but kind of like like what we call the wise one or the holder of wisdom.) was faced with catastrophe. Whole continents of their world were just disappearing into nothingness, not even vaporizing, just going out of existence.

The fairy people were growing more and more fearful for their lives as no matter what dimension they jumped to this force that takes their lands just shows up. So every so many seasons they make the jump, not only for their own safety but also for the safety of the inhabitants of other worlds.

Shellwa turned to her associates, Tazine and Imtie, bowed her head, knelt on her cushions and meditated. After what seemed like a very long time she raised her head and said to them, "Dear ones, what are we to do?" Both Tazine and Imtie spoke at once, "We can't wait much longer for Yeta to return. What if she doesn't come back? What are we to do, wise one? You have only to say the word." "Till dawn," Shellwa said as she arose to leave. The earth trembled under their feet and more land near by disappeared into nothingness. A faint pink swirling glow could be seen above now even in the brightness of day.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The trip home back to the land of the fairies would be faster and easier than the journey to the chamber containing the dragon talisman. Dee and I would ride the dragon's back and fly home!

After discarding most of the equipment had had accumulated on our journey, Dee and I climbed aboard and hung onto our home made rope saddles, I could hear the whoomp!, whoomp!, of the dragon's great leathery wings as I felt the air of free flight blowing in my face and hair.

I discovered I could steer the dragon with my body movements as indicators of where I wanted to go unless the dragon knew it was an area to avoid; then it would give me its own signs and fly around what ever the obstacle might be. It was like we were one, flying around and through crags, over one set of crags and down the other side.

With my hair flying behind me, I directed the dragon to veer to the left then dive and level out again just above the water of one of the lakes we passed on our way in. I could see the blur of wavelets beneath me. Once again we veered to the right and flew nearly vertically to a certain height, then leveled out again. "There it is!," I shouted excitedly to Dee, “It's the portal!”

A wall of rock appeared, but with a hole in it, a purple hole, except it's not really a hole. It spins in a spiral motion towards it's center, like a liquid.

“You're coming with me, Dee! You are welcome you know. You will always be my dear heart, my teacher.” I smiled at this point and brushed the back of my hand on her cheek.

She turned away shyly then turned back once again and just said, "No, me stay here, this home." I could see her eyes were damp with pride and tears. I didn't want to take that from her, so we landed and had our farewell, details of which I would rather not go into here. I waved and once again I and my dragon were off.

My dragon and I flew through the portal and immediately upwards towards the pink spiral in the sky, the center of the energy that was consuming the land of the fairies. I sat proudly on my grass rope saddle as we flew until dragon could go no higher.

Holding the talisman by its chains to capture the light of our sun, I aimed it squarely at the pink energy spiral. The spiral began to close and open again as it fought the concentrated light of our sun reflected by the talisman. To my horror the spiral appeared to be absorbing the sun's light and growing stronger!

My dragon was growing tired. I could feel it as he searched for air current to soar upon but to no avail. After a time that felt like a year the pink light finally ceased and all was peaceful as a gentle breeze blew and the sun still shone. And all the birds and every critter of nature are as little children.

Having done our work, the dragon and I came to rest in the land of the fairies.. 

Links to part 2 submissions