Monday, 27 May 2013

The Age of Aquarious

I am adrift on the river of life
I float by the banks of the river observing life
I of a sudden jump unto the bank
Only to come back once again
to flow with the river of time

I float then I drift down into the water world
Only to rise and drift once again
As I turn to watch the river bank

I guide myself and those who wish to follow
in a desired direction that will bring them forth
but I cannot guide others who still remain on shore
I can only talk and sing to them
And show them how I navigate my own vessel upon
the river of life

I drift from one water course to another I drift.
Never fighting it, but being one with it’s rythm
and with all other elements about, the two legged,
the four legged, the fined ones, the winged ones
and the Great Mother herself,

It is wonderful, I am one with the river
and the Great Mother in Aquarious

By Cynthia

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