The Mists of Avalon (The Mists of Avalon, in the original) is an American film, Czech and German in 2001 made specifically for television, directed by Uli Edel and written based on The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley. The film was shown in the format of the mini channel Turner Network Television and leases occurred in Prague, capital of the Czech Republic.As Brumas de Avalon (The Mists of Avalon, no original) é um filme estadunidense, tcheco e alemão de 2001 feito especialmente para a televisão, dirigido por Uli Edel e com roteiro baseado em As Brumas de Avalon, de Marion Zimmer Bradley.O filme foi exibido no formato de minissérie pelo canal Turner Network Television e as locações ocorreram em Praga, capital da República Tcheca.
Anjelica Huston as Viviane
Julianna Margulies as Morgana
Joan Allen as Morgause
Samantha Mathis as Guinevere
Caroline Goodall as Igraine
Edward Atterton as Rei Artur
Michael Vartan as Lancelot
Michael Byrne as Merlin
Hans Matheson as Mordred
Mark Lewis Jones as Uther
Clive Russell as Gorlois
Edited by Sc@libur 2012
Claudio Cavalcante Cunha
Piracicaba-São Paulo-Brazil
Full movie
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